Chapter 10

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Jin's POV
I had to tell the gang what Hoseok had said, well almost all of them. Jimin and Ji-hye couldn't find out.

I made a group chat and texted the gang

To: Namjoonie💖, Kookie💓, TaeTae💗, Yoongi🖤, Tae😋, Ani😛


Namjoonie💖: What's wrong is Hoseok alright😟

Kookie💓: Did something happen to him?😫 I'll go pick up Ani and we will head over to the hospital.

Ani😛: Did something happen?😢

Tae😋: What's wrong Jin?😯

TaeTae💗: OMW!!!!😫😫

Yoongi🖤: I'll go pick up Tae and we will be on our way😰😰😦


I alerted the gang and they should be on their way now. I know for sure they will freak out when I tell them what just happened, I still can't process it right. Why did Hoseok say that?

A few minutes after I had sent the message the gang arrived.

Namjoon: What happened Jin? Why did you tell us to come here?

"Look ik this is going to sound crazy because Hoseok is still uncountious but he woke up and said something weird it got me worried."

They all looked at me weird, like if they were making sure whether or not serious or if I was joking.

"Okay I can tell by your guys faces that you don't believe me but it's true"

Yoongi: "Okay if it's true what did he say that got you to call us here"

"He he said and I quote 'Jimin bad
Ji-hye Ji-hye help Ji-hye' and after he said that he went back to the state he was on, I tried waking him up again but he wouldn't wake up"

Tae: "wait what? Why would he say something like that? Jimin has always been so nice to Ji-hye I don't get it" she said confused.

"I'm not sure but I want to figure out why, he sounded serious and seemed a little bit scared, we have to try to get him to wake up"

They were all confused looking at Hoseok who was lying on the hospital bed still uncountious.

Taehyung:" okay I have a plan how about each of us come a day one day everyday to try and wake him up"

"Yes that's a great idea Taehyung are you guys willing to do this?" I asked the gang while turning to look at them and then back at Hoseok.

"Lets do this for him and Ji-hye, if what Hoseok said is true we have to help her" I said my eyes filling up with tears.
I don't want it to be true. Everything is just great how it is I really don't want it to be true.

"Yes , we have to do this for both of them." Ani said also trying to hold back her tears burying her face in jungkook's neck while he was hugging her.

They all seemed down. We all hated seeing Hoseok like this. Our sunshine was down not able to be our hope our angel.

It was 10:30 pm and everyone had to leave.

We all hugged each other good bye and everyone left. Well everyone except for me. I stayed a little bit longer.

Tonight I had to try to wake Hoseok up because I would be too busy with work.

I sat by Hoseok and got a hold of his hand.

True Colors...//JIMIN FF {Complete}|| editingWhere stories live. Discover now