He's coming

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Unknown place / Unknown time / Now

He moves toward you. You are scared, you don't know what to do. His slight grin makes the fear in your body flame up. You try not to scream, after all this was your own decision. Does he know it? Does he know you fear him so much? You look into his eyes. Yes, he does. Of course he does. He knows everything about you. His hand draws up to your face. His long slender fingers touch your cheek. He puts his thumb on your lips. "So soft" he mumbles. You want to get away, you don't know what he's gonna do. You want to struggle, to scream, to punch him. But you know you can't . He will only get you, and punish you. He will hurt you, more than he's ever hurt you before. And that says a lot, considering what he's done to you. His hand is still on your face. His cold blue eyes look up into yours. He opens his mouth to say something "Are you ready?"

London, Piccadilly Circus / 14:03 PM / A few weeks ago

"Ouch!" Someone with blond hair bumps hard against your shoulder. "Watch it!" you yell. It's not very uncommon in the middle of London. You put your earbud back in as you walk towards the underground. Once you're in the metro you sit down. It was a long day at work. Finally you can take some rest. It's very noisy in the wagon. You look around you, and you realize there is some uproar. Two people have stepped in. You recognize one of them as the man who bumped into you earlier. You take a good look at him. They guy with the blond hair is having a discussion. It's Captain America, you realize with a shock. And the other guy must be Sam Wilson, the Falcon some might call him. Apparently someone doesn't want them in the tube. Something must be going on in the city, you think. Otherwise they wouldn't be here. You forget your worries, and the tube goes further.

London, Kensington / 14:47 PM

You put your key in the lock. You step in your apartment, blinking as the sun shines in your eyes. Your apartment looks simple, a couch, a tv, a kitchen (with table) and a bedroom and a bathroom. But something's wrong. You don't know what it is, but it just doesn't feel right. You frown, and you cautiously walk further. You inspect anything before you sit down and relax. Everything seems normal. You turn on the tv, there's not really anything on. You still feel a tingling in you neck, like someone's watching you.

London, Kensington / 6:30 AM (Next Day)

Your alarm goes off. "Hnnm" You grunt. You don't want to wake up yet, but you've got no choice. You slowly stand up, and half sleeping you walk over to the bathroom. You put some toothpaste on your brush, and you look to your sleepy head. Something moves in the corner of your eye. You turn around, but see nothing. Your turn back to the mirror. You scream, as you see cold blue eyes looking right into yours. A grin, with teeth as white as snow, and hair, as black as the night.

"Hello (y/n)"

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