The Wedding

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Asgard, Grass field near the palace / 13:07 (next day)

You walk down the aisle. You can feel eyes looking at you, inspecting you, looking at any sign of disobedience. But you walk. Your dress slides over the ground behind you, the tone of green not very different from the soft grass underneath you. Your hands are clutched around a beautiful bouquet with flowers. The small tiara on you head feels heavy. The braid of hair over you shoulder feels loose. Your eyes prickle, you're on the edge of crying. But you've got to man up. You're almost at the altar. Loki looks inhumanly gorgeous. After all he is a god. His blue eyes sparkle in the sunlight. A soft smile plays on his lips. Is this what he truly wants? He looks almost frightening, like he enjoys you being uncomfortable. You step up the platform. You almost trip over the dress, but you find your balance. You stand in front of your soon to be husband. He moves closer. His small grin flames up the fear inside of you. You're scared. You want to scream. You want to struggle, to run away. Never to return. But you can't. He moves his hand towards your face. His thumb softly strokes your lips.
"So soft." He mumbles. You want to back away. You want to yell, you want to let him feel all your pain. But you know you can't. He knows too. He knows you're scared, that you want to run. He looks pleased. His blue eyes sparkle, piercing into yours. Your eyes water up. He slowly opens his mouth.
"Are you ready?"

His tone is questioning, but you know you've got no choice. You nod softly, only he can see it. He turns away from you, toward the priest. It goes all so fast. You say yes when necessary. He says it too. You're officially married.
"You may kiss the bride." He lies one of his hands in your neck. He puts the other one gentle on your back. He moves towards you and then... His soft lips touch yours, and you lose yourself. You kiss him back, not knowing why. You move your hand up to his neck, stroking his sharp cheekbone. Your other hand lies on his back, pushing him closer to you. You know you need to stop. You're not supposed to enjoy this. But you can't help yourself. The kiss gets deeper. You don't care about the people that are looking at you. You can't explain how you feel. Even after all he's done to you, you still want him. After a time that feels way too short he pulls away. His lips are red and a bit swollen. He looks startled. You notice something in his eyes. They've... changed. You can't explain how, or what, but there is something different. He looks at you with and almost tender look. Like he really cares for you. It must be a trick of the light. He looks a bit surprised. His eyes are wide-open. For two eternal seconds you look at each other. Then he breaks the contact. He moves towards the guests. He puts on a smile. He grabs your hand, and you two walk back over the aisle, towards the palace.

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