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London, Kensington / 6:35 AM

"What are you doing here?"
Your voice trembles. The God of Mischief grins, he walks closer to you, and you back away a bit. You want to scream, but you know you can't.
"Dress up" he says. You don't move.
"Dress up" He says again, more persuading now. Reluctantly you obey. You walk over to your closet. Nothing special at first sight, just some jeans and tee-shirts. But you open a hidden door, and the most beautiful green dress comes out. The corset in the middle is intertwined with silver laces, shimmering in the light. The skirt is ankle-length, with beautiful patterns on it. At first it seems a bit chaotic, but if you take a closer look at the silver patterns you see that they're snakes, curling around each other. You never hoped to see this thing again. You hid it away, all those years ago. But here it is, and the memories with it.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He looks up at you. You twirl around in the dress, making the skirt round up. You smile at him. Loki's long slender finger curl around your wrist as he pulls you closer. His soft green eyes look up into yours, you can see him looking at you with such tenderness. You put your one hand on his cheek, and with your other you ruffle through his black hair. His lips are red, a bit swollen. He comes closer, you feel his lips embrace yours, his hands running over your back. The kiss becomes more intense, you both long for each other. He starts to pull the dress off. You chuckle "Careful" you say "We don't want it to rip"

You come back to reality, shuddering the memory off. That time was better, you think. Before it all started. You slowly dress out of your pyjamas, and you put the dress on. You're not ashamed, he's already seen every last inch of your body. The dress fits perfectly, and it embraces all your curves. Your shoulders are bare, and the little breeze from the window makes your skin tingle. Your breasts are pushed up, it's almost uncomfortable. But the dress is perfect. It is exactly what you wanted, those many years ago. You tie your hair in a simple knot, letting two strings of hair frame you face. You stand perfectly still, looking at Loki to see what he thinks. He inspects you, almost undressing you with his eyes. He walks around you, and you can almost feel his eyes piercing into your back.
"It suffice" He says after what seems like a century. He puts his hand out, his eyes shimmering with mischief. "Come with me, my queen"

A smile plays on your lips as you look at the ceiling. You lie on the bed, next to a god. It's still weird, if you think about it. You're just a normal girl, barely a grown-up. But here you are, with everything you want, everything you long to have. You look at Loki. The green sheets from the bed cover most of his body, but you know what's under there. You've seen it all. His perfect body, the strong muscles, tensing as he moves. His eyes are closed, he's probably sleeping. He's so, what's the right word? Peaceful. You sweep a some hair away from his pale face. His bright red lips are swollen from their kiss. You move closer to him, and you lie your head on his bare chest. You can feel his breath on you hair, his chest goes up and down as he breeves. How long you've dreamt of this, how long you've wanted to do what you just did. With a god, the trickster god. You can feel yourself slowly falling asleep, a smile on your lips, and the thought of him, and him only.

The Queen of Mischief - Loki x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now