Cold As Ice

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Asgard, Bedroom / 8:43

You scream as the blue smoke chases you. You don't know where you are. You're lost, looking for someone. But who? You run, and run, but you can't seem to move. The smoke inches closer, swallowing everything in it's path. You run. You scream. You cry. Nothing works. No one hears you.

You wake up, bathed in sweat. You look around, the warm colours of the room embracing you, making you feel home. You can't remember what you dreamt. Only that it was a nightmare. You look around, hoping to find your husband beside you. But Loki is nowhere to be seen. You stay on the bed, panting, for a few more minutes. You wish to see him.

When you're done dressing up you walk around a bit. You hope you might find someone to talk to. Maybe Sif, she would be nice. You look around for a bit, but you can't find her. You're bored out of you mind, with nothing to do in this 'amazing' kingdom. You decide to just go outside, to look at the people of Asgard. When you walk outside the sun warms you skin. You feel light. It's a strange sensation. It feels like gravity decreased itself. You look around, hoping to find someone. A person stands on the balcony, looking at the sun. You can only see his silhouette, but you know who it is.
"Who are you?" you ask him. Loki looks at you, his eyes blue, cold as stone. He looks annoyed.
"What do you mean?" His tone is demanding. It's not the friendly voice from last night. Your lower your head. You hoped he might be like last night. That this form wouldn't take over again. You look down at you hands, fiddling at the dress.
"Nevermind." You say, your tone submissive. You turn around to walk back to the palace, but Loki grabs your hand, pulling you back. You let a small scream escape your lips. He pulls you close into a hug, one of his hands on your neck, the other on your lower back. First you don't know what to do. He isn't who he's supposed to be. But his warmth, and his soft touch make you fall for him again. You embrace him, your head against his chest. He might not be the real Loki now, but this is good. At least, that's what you tell yourself. You open your eyes, looking straight into his. His eyes look soft. Instead of the cold blue they are warm now. Not quite green, but also not blue. You smile. He doesn't. You don't care. You reach up, your lips softly touching his. He kisses you back, soft and slowly, like only a god can.

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