part one. the bonding

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. hi guys this is my first fan fiction so please bear with me if it's a little wrong. I would really appreciate comments and.suggestions to give me ideas. domo ARIGATOU gusaimasu. I am a really young writer promise if I tell you, you won't believe me. you will? okay I am 12 years old. you just gasped didn't you? yeah I know. but I'm not too young okay. I'm sorry for my blabbing I'll stop.


     One day as Takumi was walking in the forest alone she saw a group of people gathered in the middle of the forest . Takumi being a DARE devil, approached them. The man in the middle was looking at her. Takumi felt terrible like she wanted to run away but she just stood there because her feet were rooted to the spot. "Pein"  the purple haired girl beside him said"  are you going to kill her?"  Takumi was terrified at first. " p- please" Takumi pleaded. "Don't kill me. ". tobi looking at Takumi" what are you doing out here little girl? " " I was looking for something"  Takumi lied. The leader, pein, was approaching Takumi. Takumi innocently looked him. "She has a lot of good chakra flowing out." Pein said unamused" little girl do you know some jutsu to perform?". "Um no, but if someone could teach me I will though I'm not a little girl, I'm? 14 years old, my family just has something in their blood that can keep them alive for who knows how many years. I may look like I'm 5 but I'm fourteen" . Pein looked at Takumi one more time and said"  do you want us to train you? "  Takumi's eyes grew wide and she said with a smile" hai! " the girl with purple hair said"  what's your name? " "I I am Takumi kichona" I'm Konan . Choose who will train you. ". Konan. Pointed out all the others. and when she came to sasori she said" this is sasori he is a puppet master and the best of all but be careful he doesn't take mercy on others"  Takumi wasn't listening she was just looking at the red beautiful hair flowing in the wind. Konan pulled her to Itachi" this " Konan said"  is Itachi.  he is notorious for killing his whole family and being a genjutsu user. " Takumi looked closer to his face and said"  is that the mangekyou sharingan?" " good observation. how did you know"?   " I've heard rumors about it but its the only eye I know even my own eye I don't know! " Takumi literally yelled.  Itachi over heard and said"  let's see it"  Takumi slowly shook her head. " I don't know how to turn it on. it only comes out when I'm in battle."  Itachi put his fingers on her eye lids and opened them wider"  I'll put you in a genjutsu " Itachi put her in a battle style genjutsu. Takumi dreamed that Itachi was trying to kill her whole family. Takumi flew in full rage so hard that her eye was revealed to Konan and the others. It was a strange eye. It was a mix Of a slit pupil, the sharingan except it was blue, it had circles like the rinnengan of Pein or yahiko as we all know. Itachi's face was tense suddenly Takumi awoke from her genjutsu. Itachi was panting. "what happened Itachi- San? " Kisame asked. "no nothing she was sort of powerful I wasn't prepared"  "so" Takumi inquired" what is my eye?" "we can't tell, but I think. it's a mix of kyubii, sharingan,rinnengan and Matatabi  the two tails."  suddenly Takumi's stomach growled" um.. guys"  Takumi said pathetically" can I find something to eat first before we start our training" Toby said" if you buy some dangos in the store we can eat"  Takumi pouted and said" I don't have any money with me"  "oh!  right,here buy nine pieces"  Takumi ran to the store. what she didn't notice was that she ran with the speed of light and cam back she handed them each a dango until she had only one left this she handed to sasori, "he doesn't eat"  some one yelled Takumi turned around to see who it was. "Deidara explain"  sasori ordered. "NANI ! WHY DO I HAVE TO EXPLAIN IM NOT YOUR PERSONAL SLAVE !!! hmm " Deidara exploded

"Deidara- san'" Takumi begged as she did the puppy eyes" I don't know much about any one so please help me to get to know everyone better" 

Deidara couldn't help it anymore. Takumi 's cuteNess was taking over his mind. "sure sure if you insist but before that what do you like of explosive things? do you think they are art?hmm " Deidara asked. Sasori also joined in"  after Deidara let me ask too"  Takumi was so pleased to be noticed by sasori, but she looked at Deidara and said"  I like explosive things but I don't think they are true art because if you have a wonderful masterpiece would you like to blow it up? any way.Deidara show me your art let's see"  Deidara becoming irritated that someone was mocking his art said" I'll show you Takumi what true art is oh and one more thing what should art be then on your opinion? hmm"  Takumi thought to herself and said"  eternal, non decaying something  that lasts forever"  at this sentence sasori flashed a rare smile at Takumi"  I think so too, if you plan on being my student I shall teach you more about eternal things"  "yes I would lo- " she was cut off be Deidara dragging her out and said watch me and see if my art is better than puppet making hmm"  Deidara started pouring something and Takumi noticed that his hands had mouths!  so that's why Takumi noticed something wet in her hands. Deidara started building a big Dragon and it flew in the air.  takumi clapped her hands with delight. sasori stood next to Takumi looking calm. then suddenly... the Dragon burst into fire

Takumi was horrified. Deidara came back and said" well ?" "Takumi not wanting to hurt his feelings "well it's not that bad". "she thinks it's horrible"  sasori revealed. Takumi approached Deidara and said" Deidara kun" .Takumi hugged him" I'm sorry"  Deidara turned pink. "you're lucky he didn't blast you to the sky"  sasori said as he leaned on a wall. "Takumi"  Deidara said as he knelt down to be on her level" who are you going to choose as a master?"  "um um um"  Takumi stuttered scratching. her cheek"  would sasori-sama. be alright if I choose him? "

"no objection" sasori said"  I would be glad to teach you about true art"

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