back to reality.

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"But the white fang is dead." naruto said.

She smiled.

"yes I know....but I need revenge on his family." she laughed.

"eto..The white fang has a family?" naruto asked completely unknowingly.

"sigh...kyubii....yes he does. His family is Kakashi...Hatake Kakashi."

"sensei?" naruto looked at Kakashi.

Takumi nodded....

"Gomenasai minna! I have to danna might be waiting for me..I have wasted too much time! "

"kuchi yose no jutsu" (summoning jutsu).

"sashi bure da ne,hime sama." a huge leopard appeared.(long time no see princess)

"oh! shiro! can you do me a favor?  knock these guys out!" she commanded.

"Minna,be careful." Kakashi warned.

time skip. 

"hime sama, what shall we do to them..." shiro the leopard asked.

"store them...leader sama will decide....I hope that he will let me make the jinchuriki my puppet.."

"yes hime." Shiro got a scroll and put all of them in a jutsu in a scroll.

Mean Naruto's subconscious state.

"ehh? !! why are we here? "  naruto began pounding on a glass cube that he was contained in.

"I don't know, brat"  a voice came from behind.

"EHH?! kurama? ! what are you doing here"  he stared at the tailed Fox beside him.

"it seems as if Shiro, The white leopard,  has captured us or someone has its chakara"  kyubii grunted.

"eto...was it that white panther who that girl called Takumi summoned? " naruto asked.

Kurama facepalmed.

"sigh...The princess is back I see. Yes naruto that was her."

"how come I've never heard about her or the white panther?!"

"It was a experiment by Madara and the great sage which created us."  so only Madara and the other tailed beasts know about her." kurama answered.

"why are you out of me? " naruto asked.

"that is part of the jutsu"

"where are the others?"  naruto asked looking left and right

suddenly he SPOTTED the there's lying unconsciously in the side.

"minna? !"

~~~~back to Takumi.

"curse this....danna will be mad at me." she sighed as a small panther kitten was sitting on her shoulder.

"Don't get too worked up on it,hime sama!" shiro comforted.

"ah. . . what punishment will leader sama give me?" She asked herself.

she approached the cave. It was all wreaked..

'Hmm...danna must have fought someone'  Takumi  thought.

She turned a corner and saw sasori. She gasped.

Sasori was pierced straight through the heart by two puppets that looked like....His mother and father.

Takumi's POV

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