We Will Be Together Forever. (Last chapter)

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"my my! our sweet time together has ended. It seems as if those twelve hours have expired...well...it was fun! I do hope that we.....see each other again"

He made one more stab to the beating heart of sasori. One more slit to the neck of Gaara. Both looked at each other before dying. Gaara smiled and mouthed, 'We will be with Takumi ' for he could not speak. His throat was slit. Sasori nodded and cast one more look at the world before falling into a trance that he could never wake from. Gaara did the same. A final breath escaped from his mouth. "tah..uk...um....i....." he coughed up blood and slowly.....


IS IT THE END? nope! there will still be a Vision....don't worry my precious readers....and...also....I'm sorry for being such a.....***** in writing and uploading stories...hope you forgive me.


Sasoris POV

I felt like I was falling. I wanted to reach out somewhere and grab something but it was just pure darkness. I turned my body downwards and saw that a light at the end of the almost endless tunnel was approaching. I readied for the impact but it never came. I felt like I was lifted into the air, stopping the force and impact. Then I fell on a bed of flowers. (lol nothing gay against them it's just that flowers are soft. )

"wh-where am I?" i got up.  observed the surroundings looking to see if there was any escape route. All I saw was flowers every where, The ardent sky, Trees swaying in the cool crisp mountain breeze, and lastly, Takumi smiling at me and waving. I couldn't believe my eyes. She was approaching me at a slow and steady speed. Both her eyes closed and smiling....but...Looking at her carefully I could see scars and bruises all over her.

"sasori.....I'm....so happy to see you!" Takumi smiled as she took me in an embrace. I could feel her soft skin on mine....I looked to myself. I was human..

"guess you died as well huh? come, "she beckoned to a white pavilion in the middle of a pond. "the others are waiting" I held onto her hand and noticed that the ring I gave her before was there now.

She opened the door and there stood Deidara, Gaara and.....And..." Mother? F-father?!" I stuttered. I was just so startled. Overjoyed. There they were....standing just like the picture which was taken  before they were assassinated." don't forget me" Chiyo stood with a smile that made her seem older. "sasori..you've grown..." mother had said.

"Oy Danna, hmm, you forgot bout me?" I shook my head and looked at Takumi.

"so this is what heaven looks like?" I said more of declaring than asking.

Suddenly her face turned gray. The smile vanished from her lips. As she turned away. "I'm afraid not, sasori. We were all able to gather here because of a good thing that we did....although..it is only year. After that. We will take our paths. No one goes the same way. It is pure darkness...no one can last long. it is torture. I've...I've been there"

"IT never ends....The torture doesn't end" I collapsed on the floor.

"we better enjoy it while we can, yeah?" Deidara held out a hand.

"WE will be together forever...at least" everyone said in unison.


OKAY....that's.....I'm crying. bye guys...thank you all for reading this crappy story. I honestly don't know how I would end it so...yeah..like this... BTW I don't know how to edit a story once I've posted it cause I'm new in wattpad so....yeah..I'm an idiot XD

thank you for reading





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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2014 ⏰

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