Shy Part Two (P.P.)

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Your P.O.V.

     Our kiss was magical. I can't believe I actually kissed Peter. I can't believe it.


   Currently, Peter was swinging me back to my home. I had told him where I lived, so he was bringing me back. I was quite cold, so I snuggled my face into Peter's chest. He was so damn warm, so damn hot in both ways.


   "You cold?" Peter asks and I nod my head. He tightens his grip around me to pull me even closer to his body. "Don't worry. We are almost back."

     The rest of the way, I think about the crazy night I had. The craziest part was Peter kissing me. I enjoyed it so very much. I wonder what that would make us now. Would he ask me out?

     I am not able to ponder that question because before I know it, I'm back at my house. I quietly go get some pajamas and change in the bathroom while Peter waits in my bedroom. After brushing my teeth and washing my face, I climb up onto my bed and Peter stands in front of me.

     "I have a question," He says. "Do you maybe want to go out with me?"

     "Yes! Of course! When?"

     "Meet me afterschool by the doors. We'll get ice cream."

     My smile grew even bigger. "Peter?" I say as he gets ready to leave.

     "Yes, (Y/n)?" He looks at me and smiles.

     "Do you want to stay and cuddle? I might sleep better." I blush, hoping he doesn't turn me down.

     "Of course." Peter is now beaming. He lays down beside me and starts playing with my hair as I start to fall asleep. Let's just say I had the best sleep I have had in a long time.


Word count: 295

Hey everyone!! I'm sorry that it's so short. I have had a lot to do at school and it has been stressful because I have been running for co-president at my school. I will try to update as much as possible.

Also: I have Musically for some reason (probably to embarrass myself) follow me at bluejay2500!

Omg you guys. 2.7k. Honestly, I asked for 1.2k by Christmas, and you gave me 2.7k. I freaking love you guys.

FULLER HOUSE SEASON THREE COMES OUT SOON!!! I'M SO EXCITED. AND SO DOES RIVERDALE SEASON TWO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love you all so much,

           Jillian ♥️🕷🥐

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