How he asks you on your first date

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Cameron: you'd just gotten off work. It was a rough day. You just wanted to grab a few things from the store.

As you stared at the boxes, you couldn't decided whether to buy the store brand, as you'd never had it, or the normal brand you usually bought. As you stood there a voice rang out.

"Can't decide?" you nodded not looking at the person.

"What's holding you up?" You sighed. You explained the whole situation to the guy. He laughed.

"Choose your normal girl." as you started for your box of food a hand grabbed them, walking off with the last box. You spun on your heel to glare at the handsome brunette, you were furious at yourself but couldn't come to taking the blame.

"If you hadn't been distracting me, I could've gotten it faster." he stuck out his bottom lip. Then as if a light bulb went off in his head he smiled.

"Let me makeup for it by bringing you out to dinner?" You pretended to hesitate but you were actually shocked and ecstatic that he asked you.

Nash: you were having a block party and your best friend had found this new boy who had an older brother. She of course sent him your way. Y'all were just passing each other over and over until finally he walked up to you. You were scared you'd have to make the first move, but you didn't.

Matt: You were buying an apple pie because you were craving one so bad. As you grabbed the pie looking at your phone. When you pulled so did someone else. As you looked up so did another. Dirty blonde hair and brown eyes.

"I'm buying this pie." He scoffed.

"Excuse me ma'm I know I had my hand here first." It was your turn to scoff.

"How about, I buy it and we can share it." The guy smiled.

"I'll buy, we share!" you smiled



you worked with him in the apple store and you watched patiently as no one came through the door. The day was boring and nothing major was happening.

"What are you doing (y/n)?" your coworker asked sitting next to you.

"Waiting for something major to happen." he smiled. You watched as he pulled off his glasses.

"We'll if you want major why are you working in an apple store?" You shrugged not knowing what to say.

"But I can do something major." You doubted it. He'd only been here for a couple of days.

"Go out with me tonight." you didn't hear him at first. Then you realized he was serious. You smiled.

"Of course."


Your mom was being completely annoying and normally you would not have taken the dog on a walk. But truthfully you wanted to do anything to get away from her. It was late in the afternoon and the sun was setting. your dog started barking and pulled you up to this other dog, entangling up the leashes.

"I'm sorry, (y/d/n) stop it!" you looked up to see a boy with brilliant blue eyes and black hair. you had to stop yourself from stumbling back.

"Are you new here?" you asked, never seeing the handsome boy around before.

"Yeah my family and I just moved in right over there." He pointed at his house.

I should've noticed due to the moving truck. You smiled, thinking to yourself.

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