How he treats you while you're pregnant

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How he acts/ treats you while you're pregnant


All he likes to talk to your stomach at least five times a day. He is just so goofy


he is constantly going on and on about how cute your belly is and how proud and excited he is.


he is constantly taking pictures of our growing belly. He just is fascinated at how fast your child is growing. He always loves it when you wear shirts that show off your baby bump.


He is constantly protecting your belly. He stands in front of you. Or when he stands behind you he wraps his arms around your body, his hands splayed across your body.


he wakes up in the middle of the night and grabs everything you need for your cravings.

Jack G:

he massages you whenever and wherever you need one.

Jack j:

he loves it when the baby kicks. He'll stop whatever he is doing just to feel the baby move.


he comes home with all sorts of clothes and toys. He will be the problem and why your child is spoiled rotten.


he is so controlling, in a good way. He makes sure you drink plenty of water and get all the nutrients you get.


like carter he cooks everything under the sun for you. You name it and he will have it cooked ASAP.

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