How he Proposes Part 2

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They were winning and thats all you wished for Hayes. They were in their biggest game ever, the super bowl. Hayes was playing for the New orleans saints. Even though there was a handful of players and helmets on the field you knew exactly where he was, without even looking at his number.

With a minute left in the game the opponent knew they had no chance, with a lead of twenty one points, they were done. The ref blew his whistle and the confetti exploded, you rushed out onto the field. They had one. You jumped into Hayes's arms and wrapped your legs around his torso. He gave you a strong breath taking kiss then set you down. He was immediately pressed by the paparazzi, you stood by his side head towards the ground. You started to pull away when his arm wrapped around your waist.

"Where do you think you're going?" He whispered into your ear. you shrugged as everyone made a circle around you. you watched as Hayes got on one knee.

"[y/n], we've been together for what feels like forever. I feel like I've known you my whole life and that our souls hand always been together in each of our past lives. I want to keep it that way, because the thought of you not being by my side kills me. Would you do the honor of becoming my wife?'' You nodded and he slides the ring onto your finger. He then stood up and wrapped you into his arms.

"I love you so much." he said as everyone went crazy around you. But it only felt like just the two of y'all. The whole world around you but all you saw was Hayes.


You were at the oscars and Nash was now a very famous actor. He was actually nominated for a few things as well as you.

"So up next Nash Grier presenting best outbreak." you'd hit it big with acting, something you hadn't thought about. they names all the nominees and what they acted in. Then you were announced and the audience went quiet waiting for the winner.

"And the winner of best outbreak actress, the gorgeous (your first and last name)." Nash said as the audience cheered. You stood up and walked on stage. Instead of being handed a trophy Nash got down on one knee.

"[y/f/n] I never thought I'd be here, I never thought I would find a perfect girl like you, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" you wiped the tears from your eyes and looked at the crowd as they awed. you nodded your head not holding back your tears of joy.

"Yes, of course I will marry you Nash." Nash slid the ring on your finger and kissed you as the crow cheered.

"so what were you going to do if She hadn't won?" Matthew said, he was hosting. Nash shrugged

"I didn't have a plan b."


it was a sunny Sunday morning and you and Shawn had plans of touring the lovely city of Venice.

"I'm glad we came here." you said leaning into Shawn, his arm wrapped around you and you wrapped both yours around his torso.

"I'm glad I could go with you. I wouldn't want it to be anyone else." you smiled as his words made your heart swell.

"I mean you and carrie underwood." Shawn said nonchalantly. you gasped. Being insecure was your number one skill. you pulled away from Shawn and he realized what he did.

"No look, I'm sorry I was just joking, I don't want her, I want you." He lifted your chin with your finger.

"I hadn't planned on doing this right now, but I think I need to." He pulled out a small velvet box.

"Will you marry me?" you gasped and felt your eyes burn with tears.

"Oh Shawn yes of course." he slid the ring on your finger and then picked you up into a bear hug. Twirling you two around.

Jack g:

Y'all had been going through some rough times. you were spending too much time with carter and jack was beginning to think you liked him more, and hell with the way jack was being a dick, you started to think so too.

You walked in your house and frowned as your boyfriend wasn't there to pester you or kiss you. You walked to your room. The door was shut and you couldn't remember if you did that or not. When you opened your door you dropped your bags.

There were candles all over your room. All of a sudden you were pushed into the room and the light was shut off. You began to panic. Then you heard a click and then all the candles began to light up. And in front of them stood jack, a ring in his fingers. The candles wrote out 'will you marry me?'

"I know I've been a dick and we haven't been having good days but, the thought of you not being mine kills me, I don't want to lose you, so will you be mrs. confident?" He asked referencing what you called him on the first time you met.

"Jack, I... I can't marry you." you watched his face fall and his eyes glass over.

"I thought we already were married." you said teasing him, he let out all the air in his lungs.

"Of course I will marry you, god I love you so fucking much." jack shook his head.

"You little butt head, you scared me."he scoped you up in his arms and y'all kissed. The light turned on.

"Hey did you do it yet?" Carter said, Hayes by his side.

"Oh oh god um..." Hayes said shutting the door. jack shook his head and y'all continued where you left off.


"Hey, I'll be right back sweetie." Aaron said pressing his lips real quick on your cheek. Y'all were at your parents house celebrating Easter. You watched as he walked off with your dad. Curious as to see what on earth Aaron wanted with your dad you tiptoed after them.

"I uh... I.." You watched from around the corner as Aaron pulled at his collar. Your dad laughed.

"Spit it out boy." Aaron chuckled nervously.

"Well I don't know if you know but I am madly in love with your daughter. I can't live without her, she's like my oxygen. I'd do anything for her and I am asking for your permission to propose to her." your fathers reaction probably mirrored yours. His face was in shock his body as well.

"I...uh..." Aaron's head fall as did yours.

"You both are young, adults but still young. You've got a whole life to live and it'd seem irrational to get married. But if you can't live without her and you're nothing without her, then what life are y'all living. Of course I give you my permission." you felt your lips turn up into a smile. Aaron planned to purpose and your dad allowed it. But when?

Your thoughts were interrupted when you realize Aaron and your father were close. you casually grabbed a glass of wine, joining your mother. Aaron slipped his hand into yours. You smiled but all you could think about when it would happen.

The day went by and nothing happened. The kids had done their Easter egg hunt and dinner was being cleaned up. You stood on the dock and stared at the wave moving beneath you.

"Hey what're you doin down here?" Aaron asked surprising you. You shrugged and leaned into him.

"Did you have fun today?" you laughed.

"Yeah I guess I did." he smirked

"I didn't, there was one of my Easter eggs weren't found." you rolled your eyes.

"Seriously Aaron." you said teasingly as you returned to staring at the water. Aaron moved a bit. You looked around. In rose bush at the opposite corner there sat a brilliant blue painted egg. you grabbed it.

"Is this is, Aaron it was in plain sights."

"Open it." He whispered snaking his hands around you hips. you opened the plastic egg to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. you gasped and reality hit you.

"I know you heard the conversation with your dad. your hair was visible. But I'll repeat it, I love you to death and I couldn't be more in love with you. I want you to be forever and I want you to be mrs. Carpenter." you blinked the tears away as he took the ring and placed it on your finger.

"Oh Aaron of course I love you."

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