Personal Imagine for @staybeautifulll

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A whole year since you'd met hayes. The minute you met him there was this click and you two just hit it off, same sense of humor, just like two peas in a pod. So you left magcon that night with his real phone number. Ever since that night you two texted everyday, social media was your only connection adn it was kind of rough. Hayes and you had been talking about meeting up because well he hadnt seen you in a year. So what not better to do than surprise him at magcon. 

So here you stood waiting in line to meet hayes. You were ecstatic ready to surprise him. Nash and  you had this all perfectly planned out. Nash actually pulled Hayes into a conversation when it was your turn. 

You snuck up behind hayes and stood on your tip toes, coverin Hayes's eyes.

"Guess." You say and you feel his lips form into a smile. He spins aroudn and grabs your hand.

"Oh my god Tiffany." He stares at you in awe.

"God I just want to kiss you right now." He says coming near you, you stop him.

"Remember where we are?" He looks around and sighs. You two pose for a picture and Hayes's places his thumbs in position, but he totally doesnt even have them on your lips, so to all the fans, hayes didnt kiss you, but in reality he did full on. 

You were brought on stage, Hayes had to do the grind on me dance on someone and he chose you, a very odd moment but it was a strange thrilling exprience. Hayes and the guys held you on stage longer.

"be my girlfriend." hayes whisperes suddenly.

"What?" you say shocked by his demand.

"WIll you be my girlfriend." You smile.

"Yes of course hayes." Hayes picks you up and twirls you around and gives you a huge kiss right there on stage.

"Everyone, this is my girlfriend, Tiffany." Hayes says not looking at the crowd but at you, you smile and agree

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