How he says I love you

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How he says he loves you for the first time.

Cameron: y'all were ending a wonderful date, it was dark out and you still had a little bit of homework left but you didn't care. Cameron hugged you and whispered real quiet, you almost didn't hear him.

''I love you!" You smiled to yourself and pulled away, you'd heard him but wanted to hear it out loud.

"What did you say Cam?" he coughed and looked at the floor, but as he spoke his dark eyes lifted up and looked at you dead straight in the eyes.

"I said I love you." you felt your cheeks start to hurt from smiling so big as you threw yourself into his arms.

"I love you too Cameron."

Carter: his mom was making dinner for you guys. You were helping her in the kitchen.

"(Y/n) I just love you!" she said as you set the table. Carter walked in his jaw hanging down.

"Uh no I love her!" he said picking you up and twirling you around. Then he stopped and looked at you, fear in his eyes.

"You love me?" You asked trying to contain your happiness. He scratched the nape of his neck.

"Yeah I do, I love you (y/n)."

"I love you too carter." you said as he held you once more earning a chorus of awes from his mom.

Aaron: He was sitting on the couch, looking like he had ants in his pants. You were in the middle of grabbing a drink when he shouted your name.

"(Y/n) come here!" you shook your head but obeyed. you stood in the living room, he was still in the same position.

"I love you!" he said quickly as he stared at you. you stumbled back some.

"Oh my god Aaron, I love you too." he finally stood up and took you into his arms, happy you felt the same way.

Hayes: his football game had ended and it was a bad loss. Hayes was feeling really down.

"I'm just doing terrible (Y/n)." you frowned he was actually the best on the team.

"Hayes, stop, listen, you're over thinking you can't blame yourself for everyone's problem. You may be doing bad but I just want you to know, I love you." he stopped walking and you ended up running into his back. He spun on his heel, his blue eyes sparkling.

"I love you more." He then kisses you.

Matt: he bakes a cake, and leaves it on the table so when you come home there is this terribly baked cake with a bad frosting job that says, "I love you." But it's the thought that counted

Taylor: he pranks you for a vine.

You were kinda fed up with his shit.

"(Y/n) I'm sorry baby cakes come here." He gave you a pouty lip. You walked into his arms as he let out a sigh of relief.

" I love you." you felt your heart skip a beat.

"You love me?" you asked as he kissed you, you felt your tongue run over his braces. Y'all did not hold back from each others lust... need I say more?

Shawn: he sings you a song and talks about how much he loves you and how perfect you are.

Nash: y'all were having a big church dinner and you two were just walking around the yard. He pulled you into a gazebo and the starts to hum, y'all stand there dancing together. you look up at him and he smiles.

"I love you (y/n)." you watched as he brushed your hair away from your eyes.

"I think I love you more Nash." he shook his head and ran his hand through his hair, smiling in awe of your beauty.

Jack g: you two were walking on the beach as the sun was setting.

"I just love the beach." you said Jack swung y'all's hands.

"You know what I love?" He asked a smile tugging at his lips. you shrugged.

"You." he said simply. You looked at your feet your cheeks hurt as your smile grew even more.

"Awe jack I love you too."

Jack j: y'all had just finished watching titanic. you turned to him suddenly.

"Oh jack I have to tell you something." You said In a dramatic tone.

"What is it my rose?" you smiled.

"I love you, my jack." jack watched your body movements and then he stumbled backwards, realizing you were being serious but he still had to ask.

"Are you being serious?" you nodded, he grabbed you by the waist and spun you around.

"I love you too darling."

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