Chapter 11

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"Come closer" Sarabi said before she gently pressed her son close to her chest.

Tarzan listens carefully and hears his mother's heartbeat.

"What do you hear?" Sarabi asked.

"Your heart" Tarzan said with a smile.

"See? We're not so different after all." Sarabi said, "And remember Tarzan, you'll always be a member of our Pride"

Tarzan let his mother's words sink in for the moment.

He looked up and gave Sarabi a gentle smiled before climbing on his mother and joyfully announcing, "Yeah, I'll be the best Lion ever!"

Sarabi let out a small giggle, "Don't you worry, you will be. My little, Tarzan"

Mother and son saw Mufasa with Simba coming and went to greet them.

"I was so worried about you" Sarabi said as Simba nuzzled her.

"Tarzan and I are fine mom" Simba said, "And we'll never go back to the graveyard again"

"Scar told me that he did tell you what was out there, but he also said that he told you never to go there as well" Mufasa said.

Simba and Tarzan looked at their parents with Simba saying, "We really are sorry"

"We know" Sarabi said gently licking each of them.

"Dad? Is it true that Simba is betrothed?" Tarzan asked looking at his father.

"Yes it is, your father and I have arranged for your brother and Makuu's Pride leader's daughter to be betrothed when you are older" Sarabi said.

"Awe, mom I don't want to be betrothed. Girls are weird" Simba said making a face.

"Nala's a girl" Mufasa pointed out chuckling.

"Yeah, but she doesn't act like one" Simba said.

Sarabi laughed as she said, "Just give her a chance"

"Okay, can Tarzan and I go play before it gets too late?" Simba asked.

Their parents nodded in approval as they laid down to supervise their sons.

"Mufasa, I'm worried about our little Tarzan" Sarabi said as she watched her sons pouncing on one another.

"What for?" Mufasa asked looking at her.

"He doesn't feel like a lion, I think I curbed his worries for now but it'll help if the others started thinking of him as one of the pack as well" Sarabi said taking her eyes off of the two cubs long enough to look at her mate.

"You should talk with the other lionesses" Mufasa said.

Sarabi only nodded as she looked at her sons, "A family trip to Makuu's Pride would do us all some good"

"That'd be a great idea, Simba can meet his future mate" Mufasa said.

"Alright cubs, time to get to bed. We have a big day tomorrow" Sarabi called gently.

Tarzan and Simba bounded into the cave with their parents right behind them.

In Sarafina and Scar's cave, the two adults were talking about the day's events while their daughter slept.

"Thank heavens for you and Mufasa, if not for you two our precious cub wouldn't be here" Sarafina said.

"I already talked to her about what she did wrong and she promised to never do it again" Scar said as he nuzzled his mate.

"Scar, there's something that we need to talk about" Sarafina said happily.

"What about?" Scar asked questioningly.

"I'm expecting cubs again" Sarafina said, "That's why I've been so moody"

"That's great" Scar said joyfully as they laid down.

Dedication Challenge: 

What is Pocahontas's best friend's name?

A. Willow

B. Nakoma

C. Powhatan

D. Kocoum

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