Chapter 16

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"Good morning" Tarzan greeted smiling down at her. 

"Good morning" Pocahontas said sitting up and stretched. 

"How did you sleep?" Tarzan asked. 

"Well, I think" Pocahontas replied, slightly distracted before asking, "Did we stay out here all night?"

Tarzan nodded as he said,  "We fell asleep talking" 

Pocahontas sat up fully awake after she heard that and looked at him before saying, "My father is going to be so worried about me" 

Tarzan nodded and helped her to her feet saying, "I'm going to stay here" 

"Come with me and talk to my father, he'll accept you" Pocahontas said looking at him. 

"I don't think that's a good idea, I don't belong with your kind nor do I belong with my pride. I don't belong anywhere" Tarzan said grabbing a vine and swinging away. 

"You belong with me" Pocahontas whispered as she watched him swing away her heart feeling heavy as she made her way back to her village. 

Once she arrived back in the village, Nakoma immediatly spotted her and rushed to her. 

"Where were you all night? I had to lie for you and say you were in my hut asleep, luckily for you your father didn't question it" Nakoma hissed.

"I fell asleep by Grandmother Willow" Pocahontas said, "You didn't have to cover for me"

"You asked me not to tell and I didn't, but if you run off with him again I won't cover for you" Nakoma said before stalking off. 

Pocahontas sees her father and runs to him saying, "Father, I need to speak with you"

"Not now, my daughter. The council is gathering" Powhatan said as he began walking away.

"Why is the council meeting?" Pocahontas questioned.

"To see what we can do about the lions of the jungle" Powhatan said.

"What about them?" Pocahontas asked.

"Until the beasts have been dealt with, the jungle is no longer safe. I want you to stay inside the village" Powhatan said.

"But father --" Pocahontas began to protest until her father stopped her.

"Now is not the time to be running off" Powhatan said before he left to attend the council.

Pocahontas decided that it was best to stay in the village until nightfall, so she helped with the usual daily chores.

Back at Pride Rock, Sarabi was feeling down and depressed about Tarzan's departure when Scar and Sarafina rushed into the den panic stricken.

"Sarafina, Scar what's the matter?" Sarabi asked jumping to her feet.

"Nala, she's gone. We can't find her" Scar said.

"Have you searched everywhere?" Sarabi asked trying to keep her friend calm.

Sarafina only nodded and nuzzled into Scar for comfort.

"I'll go warn Mufasa, he'll be able to help find her" Sarabi said as she left her brother in law who was too busy consoling his mate to hear her.

Sarabi hurriedly raced out of the cave to find her mate and sighed a huge breath of relief when she saw him at the bottom of Pride Rock talking to Zazu.

"Mufasa!" Sarabi called walking briskly over to them.

They stopped talking and looked worriedly at the Queen.

"What is it?" Mufasa asked worried about his mate.

"It's Nala. She's missing" Sarabi informed.

Mufasa immediately took control and looked at Zazu before saying, "Get everyone in the Pridelands to keep an eye out for Nala. Sarabi and the hunting party will help search"

Zazu bowed before flying away to give the order to the animals of the Pridelands.

In another deeper part of the Jungle

Dedication challenge:

Which is not a song from 'Pocahontas'?

A. Colors of the Wind

B. Crows

C. Ship at Sea

D. Savages

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