Part 1

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The heat had been oppressive over the last few days, with no rain or clouds in sight. Off on the west side of the yard Rick, Daryl, Glenn and Tyrese were trying to add support to the fences while you, Maggie and Beth sat under the kitchen canopy taking refugee from the blazing sun.

Maggie and Beth were arguing with each other over something stupid that had happened years ago and you had your gaze set firmly to the west. Sweat was slowly dripping down your brow with the occasional salty drop landing in your eye. You could feel the sweat pooling in your bra, as well as other places, but that could just be because of your current view.

"Hey, Y/N, I'm right, aren't I? You were there... tell her," Maggie said and threw Beth an indignant look.

"Huh?" you asked lazily, your attention still half directed at watching the guys fix the fence. Well, not all the guys. Just one guy in particular.

Maggie rolled her eyes at you and repeated the question.

"I'm sorry Maggie, I checked out a while ago," you offered her a sorry smile and grabbed a couple more snap peas from the bucket.

Maggie turned and followed your gaze to the fences, her face broke out into a wide grin when she was facing you again.

"Uh... no," she said shaking her head.

"What?" you asked half offended, half confused.

"It's pretty obvious," Beth chimed in with a tone of disgust. "You stare at him constantly. It's kinda creepy."

You dismissed Beth's comment and turned to look back at Maggie. "Has she always been like this?"

"Well, she's always disliked you if that helps," Maggie laughed and raised her eyebrows at Beth.

You had known the Greene girls from years before when your family lived on the next farm over. Having hung out with their older brother Sean, you and Maggie had become quick friends but Beth never seemed to approve of your friendship with her siblings.

When you stumbled upon the prison several weeks before, you never thought you would find someone you had known, much less people that you were close too.

"That ain't nothin' new Maggie. I know how much Bethy hates me," you reached over and playfully pinched her cheek.

"Ugh," Beth said standing up getting ready to walk away, "I have to go get Judith. And don't call me Bethy, only daddy gets to do that."

You and Maggie watched her walk away, and you turned your attention back to the guys by the fence.

"She's right ya know," Maggie say nodding in their direction, "it is pretty obvious how you stare at him and all."

"Well, I am sorry if I can still have appreciation for something so spectacular. Besides, what do you care anyway? You have a man."

"I have a husband," Maggie said flashing the ring Glenn gave her, smiling wide.

"That's the last thing I want Maggie, but I am very happy for you."

"Alright then, what do you want?" She questioned, shrugging her shoulders.

"Not that," you pointed to her rings. "I don't know how you even go about trying to love someone in a world like this. That's way too hard. I guess I just want to have some fun, scratch an itch, ya know?"

"Geez, Y/N!" Maggie exclaimed, eyes wide but smiling.

"So, what's his deal anyway?" You asked trying to ignore Maggie's reaction, your eyes once again fixed on Daryl's back.

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