Part 3

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Less than an hour later, Daryl turned off the road down a long, winding driveway that went on for a mile or more. The light from the bike revealed a large log cabin, complete with wrap around porch, stone chimney and porch swing by the front door.

The outside was littered with debris and garbage. An abundance of thicket and brush had taken over a good part of the porch. The windows were all blacked out, and there were chains linked across the front door. You looked around and wondered why he would bring you here.

"What is this place?" you asked. Daryl didn't answer, he just parked the bike near the side of the house and took your hand again.

You followed him up the rear steps of the porch and waited for him to expertly pick the lock. Once inside you were awed by what you saw. Despite the rough outside, the cabin was nearly perfect inside. The sparse furniture was clean and intact throughout each room, and the best part was, there were no walkers or corpses to deal with.

Daryl closed and relocked the door behind you. You were looking out the plate glass window at the back of the room when he wandered back to you. He gently stripped the backpack from your shoulder and helped you take off the poncho.

"Daryl, what are we doing here?" you wanted to trust him, but his lack of communication was beginning to become unnerving.

"That cabin we were at before, that was Maggie and Glenn's place," he said, a sly grin forming on his face at your expression of surprise.

"You knew about that?"

"Yeah, who you think found it for 'em?" he laughed. His hand came up to the side of your face and brushed away a stray hair. "You were right what you said, about not being able to do something like that back home."

Your face flushed red at the mention of your tryst in the cabin, but it grew hotter when Daryl's hand went to his favorite spot on your neck. His thumb rubbed the front of your throat lightly, while his grip kept you close, but with still enough distance to be slightly exasperating.

"I was thinkin' today how it'd be nice to have a place of our own. Maybe one that Glenn and Maggie ain't been shackin' up in."

"Daryl..." you wanted to tell him no, that you couldn't do this with him. But as he drew you into him that last bit of resolve shattered, and you were ready to completely belong to him.

"What? You gonna feed me some bullshit line again 'bout how it was a onetime thing?" his voice was low and intoxicating.

"No, I mean... yes. Yes, that's what wanted to say," he leaned his face into yours, close enough to kiss him, but he didn't try to yet.

"So, you had some fun and now you're done with me?" There was something in his tone that made a shiver of excitement run up your spine. "Huh?" he asked with brows raised as his thumb continued to lightly stroke that spot at the bottom of your neck.

"I didn't think..." your words were lost in the heavy breaths escaping your lips.

"Nah, you didn't," Daryl's left hand ran down the length of your body, resting on your hip. He slowly pulled you in the last couple of inches until no light could be seen between you.

"Wait. Please," y/e/c eyes pleading with him to hear you. He gave you a small measure of space, but didn't stray far from you. "I didn't think about what this meant... being with you. I didn't think about what may happen."

Daryl's eyes narrowed and he tried to study your face for an explanation. Swallowing hard, you stepped away from him and towards the windows at the back of the room. Finally turned to look at him, you mustered all the courage you had and tried to explain.

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