Part 10

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The motion of the truck was what finally brought you around and back to life. Glenn was sitting next to you in the back of the caravan and helped you sit up.

"Where are we?" you asked, trying to ignore the pain in your head.

"Heading east I think. I told them where we needed to go. Abraham was a hard sell, but he finally agreed. I had to tell him though," Glenn smiled and motioned towards your belly.

"You know?" you asked, happy that someone was with you that knew your secret.

"Maggie told me right before the attack. She was so excited for you guys," he said and closed his eyes. He sighed and you knew he was thinking of her. "We have to find them."

"We will Glenn. We will," you took his hand in yours and used the other to bang on the rear window of the truck. "Hey!! Stop the truck!"

"Oh, Abraham loves when you do that," Glenn rolled his eyes and shook his head. "He made sure to let me know when I did it several times. He's not exactly Mr. Congeniality."

When the truck stopped, you and Glenn made your way to the edge and hopped off. Grabbing the packs and guns you had, you waited for Abraham to exit the driver's side door.

"There a problem I wasn't made aware of?" he said bouncing down the steps. "As I understand it, you and your friend here need to be somewhere as of yesterday. So, what's with the pit stop?"

"You're going the wrong way," you said motioning to the road in front of you. "The place we need to go is that way," you pointed in the opposite direction. "Thanks for the ride, but we'll take it from here."

You started walking back towards the cabin and saw Glenn start to follow.

"Hey!" Abraham called to you. You stopped and turned, impatiently waiting for him to continue. "I am not going the wrong way. The way your friend here..."

"Glenn, his name is Glenn," you said getting agitated with the giant ginger.

"Glenn... As I told Glenn here, the way he wanted to go was no good. There was a pile-up blocking the road. That's why we were diverted. Now, if you could just get back in the truck..."

"No, I'll walk this way, thanks," you were impatient to get to Daryl. You needed to know he was ok and didn't want him to worry while waiting for you.

"Y/N," Glenn called you softly, his hand on your elbow. "Let him take us. Trust me, I want to get to Maggie as badly as you want to get to Daryl. I'm certain she'll head there too. But, I'm still recovering and your pregnant. And, Daryl would for real kill me if he knew I let you walk all that way when we had a perfectly safe ride."

You met Glenn's eyes and could see him pleading with you. Stubbornly, you wanted to walk just because you didn't like the man's attitude, but when he heard Glenn bring up your pregnancy again, you could see the man's face soften.

"Look, Y/N, is it?" Abraham started and when you didn't speak, he continued, "I get you need to find your man and Glenn's wife. My associates here feel that we can detour from our mission north to get a lady who's with child to where she needs to be. But, I can't do that if said lady is going to be a royal pain in the nuts."

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