Part 2

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The hike back from the cabin was quiet as Daryl led you back through the trail towards the prison. Before you revealed yourselves from the tree line, you lightly touched his arm to get his attention.

"Daryl," you said coming to a halt, fingers lingering on his bicep. "Before we go back in there..."

Daryl smirked and looked at the ground, face slightly flushed and red. You couldn't tell if it was from the heat outside, or the heat from what happened in the cabin.

"Um, I just don't want things to be weird between us. I mean, it was just sex, right? We don't gotta make a big thing about it."

"Yeah," he said finally meeting your eyes. "Just a quick roll in the hay, right?"

"Exactly," you said and offered him a relieved smile. "I just hope we're good."

"Nah, we're good," he said and walked back towards the prison. He paused after a few steps, turned to face you again and leaned in closer. "But, anytime you wanna go hunt..." he cocked his head towards the woods, "just come find me."

His incredibly close proximity caused your whole body to flush hot and yet, despite the heat, it made your skin break out in goosebumps. Daryl noticed the reaction you had and raised an eyebrow at you.

"And," he said squaring up to you, taking your chin between his fingers, "remember what I said, you don't need to lure me out there for the other stuff..." his kiss took you off guard, and your loins had an immediate response to the sensation of his tongue lightly grazing against yours, " can come find me for that too."

When he released you from the kiss, you told yourself that that would be the last time. As much as you had wanted him, and still do...

GOD do I want him again already you thought as he turned and walked back to the prison, that would have to be the last time you let Daryl Dixon touch you, much less kiss you.

Getting back late, you had missed helping Carol with the dinner rush. Normally curt and to the point, Carol didn't mince words when she chastised you for blowing off your shift. After she walked away, you decided to try and make it up to her by cleaning down the barbecue and getting it ready for the breakfast bunch in the morning.

The sun had blessedly set, leaving only traces of burning embers in the sky. As the last bit of light fell behind the west wall of the prison, you set your sights out across the field where you could just make out Rick, Carl and Hershel walking through the crops.

"He ain't out there," a voice rang out from behind you making you jump. Maggie placed a hand on your shoulder and laughed at how jumpy you were.

"Jesus Maggie," your hand over the thudding heart in your chest, "gave me a damn heart attack."

"I'm sorry Y/N, but I couldn't help myself. You were so lost in thought..." her eyes grew as big as saucers and she playfully smacked you on the shoulder. "What happened today?! Did you find the cabin? Do I have to start extra shifts in the garden?"

Her excitement was palpable and you smiled at her enthusiasm for your conquest.

Before you could answer her, your mind flashed to that afternoon in the cabin with Daryl. Your face immediately flushed thinking of his raspy growl in your ear, how his fingers felt on your skin... But also, how you felt when he kissed you before leaving.

It was different from the straight up lust you'd both been tangled up in. That kiss, and the last one outside the prison stirred things up in you that you let go a long time ago. You had promised yourself you were never going to let love be the thing that ruined you again. When Daryl's lips touched yours in a way that defied that rule you set for yourself, any thoughts of another roll in the hay had to be forgotten; as did Daryl.

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