Part 5

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Waiting for Daryl's return from The Big Spot was nearly as painful as waiting to hear from Maggie about her trip to see the doc. Fighting back the swirling dizziness and nausea all day in the heat had proved harder than you thought. Trying to find some refuge in the shade of the cell block, your nerves wouldn't allow you to sit still. Pacing back and forth in the middle of C Block, you watched the sun's light finally disappear beyond the prison windows and felt your gut lurch again.

Several people walked by, saw the anxiety written on your face and offered you a sad smile or nod. You returned it in kind to be polite but your eyes never strayed far from the door that either Maggie or Daryl would hopefully be walking through.

Maggie came in first, a wide grin on her face. Seeing her expression, you breathed a sigh of relief and hugged her.

"So, no?" you asked when you let her go.

"No, I'm not pregnant," she said taking a deep breath, "and, I know what I said before, but, I am relieved. Maybe one day, but I'm just not ready yet."

"As long as you're ok," you smiled at her, but it was forced and she could tell.

"What's wrong? You look terrible," Maggie put her arm around you and walked you back to your cell. She made you sit on the bunk while she got you a cup of water.

You drank it slowly and shook her head. "I don't know, just been tired and not feeling well," you looked up at her, "noticed a few others looked kinda green tonight too, maybe it was just somethin' we ate."

"Maybe..." Maggie was cut off by the sound of footsteps and Daryl walking through the cell door.

You jumped up immediately and ran to him. Daryl barely had a chance to set his crossbow down before you were throwing your arms around his neck. He buried his face into your neck, his fingers tangling in your hair as he pulled you close.

He pulled back, gently touched his forehead to yours, and looked at Maggie.

"Glenn's alright," he said and Maggie smiled, "but... uh... we lost Zach. I already stopped and talked to Beth..." Daryl trailed off and you could feel his grip on you grow stronger.

"I'll go check on her," Maggie placed a hand on your shoulder before heading out. "You, get some rest please," she raised her eyebrows at you and you promised her you would.

When she was gone, Daryl quietly closed the bars and pulled the curtains across the length of the door. He stopped and lit the lantern on the table, turning the wick down so there was just barely a flicker of light in your bunk.

"I know I said we should go to the cabin, but, mind if we just stay here tonight? We can always go tomorrow," he suggested as he advanced on you.

"Of course, that's fine," you smiled and when he was within arm's reach, you grabbed him by the top of his belt and pulled him in closer. "I don't care where we are, as long as we're together."

"That so?" Despite the weariness you both felt, sleep was the furthest thing from your mind. Daryl looked over at your bag that was packed that morning in anticipation for the rendezvous at the cabin and you knew what he was thinking.

"Still time to unpack that if you want me to," you reached up and brushed a hint of a kiss against his ear. You could feel him respond to you immediately, his growing erection hard against the lower part of your stomach.

Daryl growled and reluctantly released you. When he turned his back to grab the bag off the ground, you kicked off your boots and began to unbuckle your jeans. Daryl turned back to you and saw you were already undressing. He stepped back until he was leaning against the wall of the cell and let the bag fall to the floor. The flicker of the lantern offered him just enough light to watch you. His eyes covering you from head to toe, you smiled, and enjoyed him watching you undress.

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