Part 9

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Daryl cut through the forest quickly, crossbow was slung over his shoulder, Beth following closely behind him. Things had gone south quickly at the prison, and when it was time to flee, he mistakenly followed Beth into the woods, going the wrong direction from the cabin. By the time he could change their course, the day's light was faded and he was losing the trail they'd made.

"Daryl," Beth chirped from behind him. When he didn't answer, she tried again until he finally came to a stop.

"What?" he spat at her, more harshly than he had intended, but he had to get to the cabin. It was all his mind could focus on.

"Maybe we should stop. Set up a camp for the night," she suggested and slowed her walk. Scanning the area, she spotted a small clearing beyond a line of trees and pointed. "There. Let's head over that way."

"No," he said roughly and continued the trail.

"Daryl... we gotta stop. It's gonna be dark soon."

"No," he growled, this time causing her to take pause.

"We gotta try and find Maggie... I know she got out, she had too," Beth said more to herself than Daryl, but certainly loud enough for him to hear.

"Maggie? Yeah, I wanna find Maggie. I wanna find Glenn, and Rick, Michonne, Carol; all of 'em," Daryl said narrowing his gaze on Beth, taking a few steps towards her. "But, more than anythin', I need to find Y/N."

He turned from her and went back in the direction he had been going. He knew they were close to the area where the car had been hidden, he just needed a little more light to find the right path.

"I'm sure she's fine Daryl, she'll turn up," she said, her voice thick with fake concern. Then, more to herself, "...she always seems to turn up fine..."

Daryl paused again and tried to keep his rising anger under control. There had been far too many close calls in the last week, and now being out here separated from Y/N was about the last thing he could deal with, much less hearing Beth badmouthing her.

"We're gonna find them all Beth," he finally said, "we gotta."

They walked in silence for some time, until they finally emerged from the edge of the woods and onto the road.

"We should go back around to the prison," Beth said and started walking to the east. "Maybe Maggie and Glenn are still back there..."

"No, we're going to the cabin," Daryl said and turned in the other direction.

"I ain't goin' to your stupid sex cabin, Daryl!" Beth could hear how ridiculous she sounded but didn't care. "Not just so you can go find some girl..."

"That girl I'm lookin' for ain't just some girl Beth!" Daryl snarled at her, "She's mine... just like Maggie is Glenn's. But you wouldn't get that! You could barely cry a tear when your own damn boyfriend died!"

Beth froze in shock. Daryl had never spoken to her that way before even in his most volatile state.

"You don't gotta be mean," she said, her voice smaller now.

"You don't gotta be a bitch," he responded matter-of-factly and turned back towards his destination.

"I just don't get one thing," Beth called after him, quickening her pace to try and catch up. When she was finally side by side with him, she continued, "Why her? I mean, with everyone else around... why did it have to be her?" her voice was near whining.

Daryl didn't slow his pace or even turn his head in acknowledgment. His eyes focused on the road laid out before him, he said through gritted teeth, "Cause, that's just the way it is Beth."

"That's stupid," she said, shaking her head. "Y/N, the girl I remember from before, was never anythin' but trouble. She had this way of makin' nice guys turn into jerks," she cast a glance at Daryl who was still focused on the road, "This one time..."

Daryl finally stopped and looked at her. The last bit of light was trickling through the trees and she could see the anger residing in his eyes.

"Enough. I get it, alright. Ain't no love lost between ya. But, it's none of your business. Wasn't back then and it ain't now. You don't want to come, fine. Stay here, go back... I don't care. I don't want ya hurt Beth, but finding her... that's my priority."

Daryl stayed as calm as he could. He felt an anxious sigh fill his chest and he swallowed hard. "Y/N is pregnant Beth. I gotta find her... I gotta find them both."


"No, I'm done with this. Maybe one day when you decide it's time to grow up, you'll see the world ain't what you think it is. You don't always get to pick, Beth. You can't just pick the people you love. You just find them and then that's it. What's stupid, is trying to put any reason to it. So, stay or go. But I am done with this."

Daryl stormed ahead of her and didn't stop walking until he hit the road that lead to where Y/N was supposed to be waiting for him.

By the time Daryl and Beth arrived at the long winding lane that lead to the hideaway, it was completely dark. The car that was hidden out beyond the tombs was sitting skewed in the driveway about halfway down to the cabin. Breaking on into a sprint, Daryl felt a mixed sense of relief and foreboding. Getting closer, he slowed down and cautiously approached the porch, his crossbow now drawn and ready.

Beth hung back a little watching as Daryl neared the door. The moment his hand went on the doorknob, a clicking sound of a gun and a booming voice caused him to freeze.

"Well hello, stranger!" the man said from a safe distance, but close enough to be heard. Daryl slowly turned around and saw a man with his arm around Beth's neck and shoulders, a gun at her temple. Behind them, five more bodies emerged from the shadows with guns drawn all pointing at Beth. Daryl lowered his crossbow and heard the door open behind him; the barrel of a shotgun pressed into the back of his shoulders.

"You may want to drop that bow, friend," the man near Beth hollered, "I've been looking for one just like that. Guess it's my lucky night! Eh, boys?"

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