Part 4

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A light tapping on the cell door woke you from a restless sleep. You looked over at Daryl who was lying on his stomach, face buried into his pillow. The light wrap came again as you swung your legs to the ground and walked to the curtain.

You looked up at the barred windows and saw that the sun hadn't begun to rise yet. Maggie was barely a silhouette standing outside your cell. There was just enough moonlight coming through to show that her face was covered in concern.

"What's wrong? You ok?" you asked rubbing a hand on her arm.

"Sorry I woke you... I just..."

"No, no, it's fine. What's wrong?"

Maggie sighed deep, and then pulled you away from the entrance to your bunk, sitting on the stairs.

"I think I'm pregnant," her eyes were fixed on the ground, arms crossed over her stomach. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder and she rested her head on yours.

"Think or know?" you asked, trying to remain positive.

"Think. I'm gonna go see the doc once Glenn leaves for that run later on," she met your eyes and you saw something surprising in them. Amid the worry the situation caused, there was also a glimmer of hope.

"Maggie, do you want to be pregnant?"

"I...," she ran her hands through her hair and shrugged. "It's easier to not be, but... I wouldn't hate it if I was."

"Do you want me to go see the doc with you?"

"No, that's ok. I can handle it, thanks though," she smiled at you sweetly. "I don't know, I guess I just needed to say it out loud to someone."

"What about Glenn?" you asked and tried to imagine how he would feel about a baby. Being in love and having someone in your life was one thing. That was hard enough. Knowing all the complications that could arise during a pregnancy, the idea terrified you; even more now that it's your best friend who's with child.

"He knows that I haven't been feelin' great, but that's it. I figured I would find out first, but..."

"You should tell him Maggie. Even if it is a no, let him be there for you." You smiled wearily, and she shook her head at you.

Maggie stood up and leaned back against the railing. She sighed deeply, and you could see a tear glistening at the corner of her eye.

You stood up and hugged her tightly.

"No matter what, it's gonna be fine. You have a safe place here, two docs, and a whole lotta people that love you," your hands were on her shoulders and your eyes locked with hers. "Tell Glenn before he goes. Then when he gets back, he'll know one way or the other."

"You're right, I'm gonna go talk to him now," she turned and you followed her back down to the entrance of your cell. When you paused there, she hugged you quickly before turning back to head to her own bed.

When you walked back in Daryl was lying face up, one arm tucked behind his head and his eyes on you as you entered the room.

"Sorry if we woke you," you said leaving your pajama shorts on the floor and slipping back under the covers, burying your head into the crook of his shoulder.

Daryl kissed your forehead and instinctively wrapped his arm around you. He emitted a low, purring sigh and you felt his hand run down to the small of your back.

"Everythin' alright," he asked, his voice thick with sleep.

"Mhmm," you responded nuzzling into his chest.

"Time to get up yet?" his hand starting to travel lower, tracing the lines of your panties around your hips.

"Not yet," you said, feeling his fingers dig deeper into your skin.

"Good," he growled and rolled over on top of you, causing you to squeal a laugh and wrap your legs around him. Daryl pinned your arms over your head with one hand, while leaning his full weight into you. His other hand was making quick work of removing the lower half of your clothing, letting his hands linger in the warmth between your legs and making you crazy in anticipation of him.

These early morning sessions had become common place in the five weeks you'd been with him. The day after you'd kissed him in front of everyone, he asked you to move your stuff into his cell and you didn't hesitate.

The more time you spent together, the more you were confident in your choice to take a chance on someone again. Any thoughts or lingering worries were gone and Daryl was completely yours. You knew that you loved him, and even though there was no doubt, they were words you hadn't told him yet.

He was attentive to you in every way, especially during the intimate moments both in your cell and at your hideaway cabin. At home, he always made sure you were ok before leaving you and then checking in throughout the day. He would go out on runs or go out to hunt, while you worked the gardens and helped Carol with the meals. The second he returned, you were his first stop.

The nights you spent at the cabin with Daryl were a whirlwind of mind-numbing bliss that felt too unbelievable to be real. He was a different kind of lover there than back at the prison. As if the opportunity to not have to restrain himself brought out even more of the wild animal he had residing inside; the one he reserved only for you.

After, when you lay tangled together on the bunk, breathless and happy, you found him staring at you with a look of concern.

"Do you wanna come today?" he asked tentatively.

"To the Big Spot?" you were surprised and slightly amused at the invitation.

"Mhmm," Daryl mumbled and tucked a stray hair behind your ear.

"Since when do you want me out on a run with you?"

"I'd always rather you stay here. But, I don't know... I wouldn't hate it if you were with me today," his hand tracing along your collarbone, his eyes locked on yours.

"Well, I'm flattered. But I think I'm better here. Promised Maggie I would help her out with some stuff," you said thinking about your chat with her earlier. Besides that, you were feeling more tired than normal and thought it would be better for you both to stay behind.

"Alright, maybe next time," he kissed you and sat up on the edge of the bed. You watched him move about the cell collecting his clothes and gathering his gear for the run. Forcing yourself up from the bed was a harder chore than you expected, suddenly exhausted.

Despite the ache to go back to sleep, you got dressed while Daryl watched you with a smile.

"Hey," he said getting your attention, "we should go to the cabin tonight."

You slipped the tank top over your bra and walked over to him shaking your head.

"What, you didn't get enough this morning?" you teased and slipped your arms around his neck.

Putting his crossbow in the bunk, he placed his hands on either side of your face and leaned in to kiss you deeply. The smell of his leather coat and vest filled your nostrils and you melted into him. He finally released you from the kiss, but let his hands fall to your shoulders, then lightly brushed down the length of your bear arms.

"You think that was enough? That was just the appetizer," he whispered in your ear. He reached back down to pick up the crossbow, and brushed a kiss against your cheek. "Have your shit packed, we're going as soon as I get back tonight. And, uh..." he motioned to the small set of drawers where you kept some of your personal items, "...pack that thing I like."

You watched him turn to leave and felt a simultaneous rush of love and lust go to your head. It caused the room to spin for a moment, but you steadied yourself against the bunk.

"What the hell was that," you muttered to yourself, shaking your head and taking in a deep breath. When you felt your feet were firmly under you, you left your bunk and ran after Daryl to give him one more proper goodbye.

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