Chapter 3: Me and her

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   Markell P.O.V
  I texted Rosa during the night and I tell her everything and anything. Right now I'm not myself and I gonna to tell her later on today.
    I texted her around 11:46 a.m. and she didn't text back for a little, I tried not to panic, I waited for a minute or two and I texted her again.

Text mode

Markell: Rosy I gotta tell u something. It's very important

Markell: Rosy u there?

Rosa: I was taking a shower dude, calm ur boxers

  I felt so embarrassed that she was taking a shower, and I just thought about the boxer thing. She's funny and says the most ridiculous things, I couldn't take this much longer and I tried to stay calm.

Text mode

Markell: Oh...sry...

Rosa: It's ok, u didn't know. What's up?

Markell: I just wanted to say... Well I don't know how to say it...

Markell: I want to tell u but I wanna tell u in person... Just try to guess...

Rosa P.O.V

  Markell was acting weird, more than usual. He seemed shy about what he wants to say. I put the pieces together but I wasn't quite sure, if I was right. I started to play dumb and I just wanted him to say it. We were such good friends we could tell each other everything no matter how embarrassing!

Text mode

Me: Mark, I'm really dumbfounded rn, plz just tell me

Markell: No plz just guess, it'll make me feel better...

Me: Mark, idk what u want me to guess, we're friends! U can tell me right here and now!

Markell: Brb

  He was worrying me, now I'm starting to think it's something more serious. Maybe something happened to him physically, I just waited until he said it.

Markell P.O.V

I paced in my head, and I couldn't stop thinking of how much she cant just say it! "JUST GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD SHE DOESN'T LOVE YOU LIKE THAT!" i thought to myself. Embarrassed I would say something stupid I went to go clean something and came back. Rosa is cute and caring, and her waves of Brown hair are so beautiful. But johanna, she isn't like other girls... She's strong and and takes care of those who matter. Her crazy poofy black hair is amazing too.
     Rosa actually cares about me, and wants to know everything about me, Johanna just takes pitty on me... "Who do I love? Rosa, caring, loving Rosa? Johanna, strong, amazing Johanna? I can't! Rosa loves him and Johanna doesn't really love me..." All these thoughts in my head hurt and I just decided to tell Rosa that I like her. Not love like, more than a friend. I texted her back and stayed calm...

Text mode

Markell: Back

Rosa: Mark what's going on? You're worrying me

Rosa: Is everything alright?

Markell: Yea I just don't know how to say it still

Rosa: plz just tell me, I'm not gonna say anything about it!

   Again loving and caring. She really cares, that's how Andrew fell in love with her... I don't blame him... Would she love me? Could she love me? "JUST SAY IT! SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT SAY IT!" I kept saying to myself.

Rosa P.O.V

  Markell wasn't making sense and I'm starting to think he does like me. If he does then I don't know what to do. Now a days, I don't know how I feel about andrew, but I don't think I love him. I'm waiting still for a call or text from him but still never texted back.

Text mode

Markell: I like u...

Markell: More than a friend...

  He texted me, I just couldn't believe that I was right. I thought of this as an anime scene but, he's serious... "He likes me...? But johanna... Wouldn't she be worrying about this?" I thought. I didn't know how to react but I did see this coming.

Text mode

Me: I figured, when u said u liked Johanna that's when u knew it wasn't true

Markell: Tbh I still liked u even when i was dating Johanna

Me: That explains most of it. Mark y didn't u just tell me?

Markell: U were talking about andrew so much I didn't wanna, ya know

Me: Right now I don't know if I love Andrew any more

Markell: really?

Me: Yea, still nothing from him...

Markell: Rosy... Can I kiss u...?

Me: I-i... ummm....i guess...I don't see the harm in it...

     It's been a few weeks since someone has shown me affection like that. Andrew almost never showed me affection, and Mark seems to be more boyfriend material than Andrew. I couldn't stop thinking that Mark likes me and I just started to become a bit embarrassed. I asked him questions about how, when, and why. He answered quick and we just became closer.

    The next day was band rehearsal and we just stayed calm about everything. I saw him and hugged him, he looked a bit weirded out "Hey rosy, we're still friends right...?" he asked and I nodded my head with a smile. He looked at me and my buddy Joe showed up "HERE'S THE CUTE COUPLE!" Joe yelled. Markell looked to the side and Joe picked me up bridal style. "Up we go!" he said "Put me down! Joe stop!" I yelled out. Markell Just laughed, Joe put me down (finally) and patted my head. "Why don't you guys just get together already, you guys hang out a lot right? Just be a couple already!" Joe said smiling. I looked at him Mark did too. We both shook our heads and got out our instruments. "Oh c'mon! Sooner or later you too will be kissing in the hallways, just watch!" he said kinda pushing us close to each other. I kinda blushed and went to the Mac.

Markell P.O.V

  Joe is an ok guy, really funny to be with but he can be a bit weird. I wanted to kiss Rosa so badly right then and there But I'm gonna wait. The fact that everyone kept saying I liked Rosa wasn't helping my problem. Maybe I will get to kiss her, maybe she'll let me... Swarms of thoughts of me kissing her made me feel warm and nice inside.... That thought never left my head...

(well finally Markell. Jeez, what could Andrew be up to? What is Johanna gonna think about this?
Hope you all enjoyed this chapter!)

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