2. angel

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It was so long ago when I had met Gerard for the first time, but it's still so clear in my mind.

I don't know wether or not to believe in soul mates, I don't believe in anything really, but I instantly felt something when I met him. Something that couldn't be described with words.

For sure, I couldn't have known the impact Gerard would have on my life when I first met him, I was so young then, but somehow I felt safe around his presence in those early times already.

That life changing day, I was sat on the sofa in our living room, watching TV as the doorbell rang.

Once, then twice and then there was banging.

I groaned at the loud noises, I just wanted to watch my cartoons in peace.

"MAMA!" I had yelled and sighed in relief as I could finally hear her come down the stairs.

The ringing had gotten more frantic, which made me curious as to who was behind the door. So I had pushed myself from the sofa and quietly followed my mother, before stopping a few steps behind her.

I frowned as she opened the door to a lady I had never seen before, she was holding a boy around my age in her arms, he was crying and on the other hand she held another boy, he seemed a bit older than me.

I don't know why, but from the moment that I laid my eyes on him, I couldn't take them off him and it almost felt as if I had fallen into some kind of trance like state as he just stared back at me.

"I-I'm so sorry to-Oh god." The lady had spoken and I could hear how she broke off into sobs, and still, my eyes were fixed on the boy.
"W-we live a few houses down." I heard her say. "I-I don't think we've met before-Can I just- Can you- Please! I don't know what to do- The kids, I-"

"Frankie please go to your room." Those sudden, almost harsh words of my mother made me snap out of it and I turned to look at her, frowning in confusion.

"Please now."

With one last look at the boy, I had turned around and walked up the stairs and to my room.
But, I was a curious little boy. Perhaps, nosy and annoying even. So I had stopped at the top of the staircase and just sat down, listening carefully because I wanted to follow what was going on.

At the time I didn't really get what was happening, but there was a lot of crying involved, which even made little me worry in concern.
The woman was saying something about how her husband had went crazy, that they were in danger and that they needed to call the police. She didn't know what to do, so she was seeking my mothers help.

My mother had always been a really nice, generous lady. One of the kind that'd never hurt a fly. She tried really hard to calm down this woman who was a total stranger at the time and even offered her to come inside so she could explain the whole situation in detail.

Sitting up there on the staircase, I wasn't scared that my mother was letting a stranger into our house. I was rather happy and relieved that she was helping this sad and obviously frightened woman and her children.

"Maybe your kids should go and play with my son, so they can relax from the situation. I'm sure they'll get along jut great and we can talk in peace. I'll promise you, what ever has happened, everything is going to be fine."

As I heard that, I quickly got up and hurried into my room, knowing I shouldn't have been listening.

Quickly, I got out my box filled with toy cars and dumped the content out onto the floor, so it would seem like I had been playing for a while now.

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