April 23rd - Audition

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You walk in,

and there they are.

The ones who have

your part in their hands.

The ones who could either

tear you down,

and raise you up.

You state your song

with a smile,

and nod to the


This is only a high school

production, just smile

and relax.

The notes of the past

couple weeks, the hours

you spent practicing,

the times you spent

practicing mouthing the words

to your reflection in the mirror

while you drank only tea

and water to prepare,

suddenly melts in your ears,

and you open your mouth.

The words spill out

and you get lost,

caught up in the song

and your performance.


Don’t look the judges in

the eye.

If they write something down,

don’t assume it’s negative.

Keep your act going.

The song ends,

you hold it for a moment,

and then open your eyes

and smile.

They tell you

you did great,

and you smile again

and thank them.

End of audition.

It’s okay to breathe.

Time to stop shaking,

you did fine.

You walk out

of the audition room,

and your friends

hug you and tell you

good job,

even if they didn’t hear it.

You tell them good luck,

and go to grab your things.

Time to go home,

and prepare for tomorrow.


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