April 21st - Nasty Habit

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I have a nasty habit.

One where I cannot necessarily

see the reality of things.


I see what I want to see.

But, if that’s the truth,

we all have a nasty habit,

don’t we.

We ignorantly ignore

things we don’t want to see,

whether we choose to

or not.

We choose to smoke,

even if we know it will kill us.

Could I have

a pack of cancer?

We fall in love

with the worst people,

knowing they will destroy us.

We fall into young love,

which is even worse.

Knowing it simply cannot last forever,

it will end,


Everything in our eyes

seems to slip

from the facts,

and we choose to

believe in the fantasy.

Born to think this way,

or is it a choice?

An influence from those around us?

From the people who whisper

lies straight into our eyes,

telling us we look more beautiful

with artificial shit

smeared across our faces.

I’ve got a nasty habit,

and so do you.

We choose to live with them,

whether we want to

or not.

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