April 17th - Colorblind

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Now I’m colorblind.

Black and white

paint my pictures for me,

photographs in my

mind, stained

to a dark shadow

on a white canvas.

I’ve lost any kind

of vibrancy,

no more colors to

light up my vision.

Everything is in B&W,

and I don’t know

how to fix it.

It’s like everything

has drained from my memory,

and I’m starting from square one.

But no one can see

this empty world,

but me.

No more reason to smile

at the beauty of nature’s paintbrush,

to giggle at the patterns

of the color schemes.

Looking through these eyes

just doesn’t

seem the same.

My sight has been set,

on something else.

Except I just don’t know

what it is.

If I could just find

bring the color back

into my eyes,

I might just be able

to find my smile.

Until then,

only black and white

echo in my eyes,

I’ll remain colorblind.

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