Where it all Went Wrong

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*Alexander's POV*

I sigh as I pay and get out of the taxi. I look up and smile, thankful for the snobby rich people to get me in this collage.

I WAS walking down the sidewalk until someone ran into me. "Oh shit. Sorry," he said. "I'm John Laurens. Id assume your new here?" he asked me.

"Is it that obvious? I'm Alexander Hamilton." In introduce myself.

He chuckled (Idk why but that word is SO CRINGY) "Nice to meet ya. I can show you around if you want." he offers.

"Yes please. This place is HUGE and I'm gonna get lost."

As he shows me around and shit, we talk about random bullshit. Like how turtles are the best, what color the sky is because black and white kinda SUCKS ASS. And then he mentions his crew.

"If you want, I could introduce you to my friends. Their super chill. You'll like them, as long as you ain't a homophobic asshole." he said, in a serious tone.

"Hard to be homophobic if your bi and sure if you think they'll like me." I respond.

"Ok lezgo." He says, starting to run.

I groan and start running. I catch up to him in like 2 seconds and he stops.

"How the hell do you run so fucking fast?" He asks me.

"I did track in highschool. Still hate running though." I mumble.

"Well get used to it. I have weird friends." He says, laughing a little.

And he's off again. I run up to him and follows him wherever the hell we're going.

After many hour (Literally 2ish minutes, chill) of running, we get to his room, I think.

"Your room is a little more down the hall. Room 1776." He says, opening the door.

"Yo guys I'm back! And come introduce yourselves to the new kid!" He yells VERY loudly.

Everyone comes running over to us. I back off slightly because of how tall everyone is.

"I'll go first. Y'all are wimps. I'm Hercules Milligan."

"I'm Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette (thx Google). But everyone calls me Lafayette."

"I'm Angelica Schuyler."

"I am Eliza Schuyler. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm Peggy, the youngest of the 'Schuyler sisters' I guess."

"So who are you exactly?" Hercules questions.

"Hi. I'm Alexander Hamilton."

~Magical time skip bc Im lazy...~

I said goodbye to the crew and headed to my dorm. We are all on the same floor, which makes life so easy.

When I get to the old oak door, I unlock and turn the golden handle.

And when I finally think my life gets better, it decides to fucking send the asshole that we all hate.


~ Hi! This is my first story ever so sorry if it's actual shit. Might get better over time idk. But thank you for reading!!

I'll see you in the next chapter!! Bye!!

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