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Quick an. I got this idea from Supernatural. If you haven't seen it, well, spoiler alert. And read my last chapter to understand what the fuck I going on.

*Alex's POV*

What. The. Fuck

I don't know how and why, but I'm standing right next... to me.... in a coma.

How the fuck

I look to see that I look like a big fucking mess.

I had cuts everywhere. One big one running from my lip to just above my eyebrow. My right arm was bandaged up. And I had all these tubes attached to me. One big one in my mouth, tied so it would stay. And many IV or blood drips.

How the fuck did I manage to get myself into this mess.

I couldn't stand to see myself like this. So I walked out of the room.

"Hello? Anyone here??" I yell as I enter the strangely empty hall.

Then I see a doctor. But he... didn't even say anything to me. Excuse me bitch I'm human too.


But I continue down the halls. What made it weird is that I could see the doctors talk, but not hear them. Until I hear a scream.

What now.

"HELLO?!?! CAN YOU EVEN HEAR ME?!?!" I heard a girl scream.

"Jesus fucking hell. Calm down." I groan.

"Wait. You can see and hear me??" She asked.

"No shit Sherlock." I say, kinda pissed off.

"I'm Jasmine. Nice to meet you." She said.

"I'm Alexander." I said quickly.

Soon we started walking around and talked about shit. Mostly about what the fuck is happening. Until we saw doctor's run into a room, more specifically, my room.

"Oh fuck no" I muttered under my breath as I ran into the room.

Once I got their, I knew what was happening.

My heartbeat stopped

But I saw something floating above me. I ran and grabbed the son of a bitch. And it floated away.

My heartbeat started again.

So I guess I cheated death.... again.

I walked out of the room again, to see Jasmine right in front of me.

"Why did you do that?" She asked.

"I'm not leaving this world, no way in hell." I say firmly.

"Such a shame. You'd work very well in hell. Either way, you cheated death. Your time is up." She said so Calmly.

It took me a minute to realise something.

She's the devil.

She's the devil

"What the fuck do you want Jasmine. Or should I call you the devil." I said snarkly(or whatever the word is)

"Finally you caught on. I was worried it would take you a while. Either way, you have to go. You can't stay here. This is your only chance. You go now, or stay here forever. And become a spirit. And soon an angry spirit." She said.

I tuned out, obviously not interested. Pretty much she's trying to convince me of going to hell.

No way in fucking hell would I do that.

Pun intended.

She kept rambling, until a black cloud thing came out of the vent.

"You lucky son of a bitch." Is all she said before I woke up.

I was choking on the tube and Thomas called for a doctor.

*time skip*

"Somehow, Mr Hamilton, you have made an almost full recovery. All is good, except your broken arm. It's truly a miracle." The doctor explained, and left soon after.

"Alex. Don't scare me like that. Ever again. If you didn't live, i-i don't know what I would have done. Just please, don't leave me, ever." Thomas cried out.

"I would never dream of it." I said.

"Alex." He said softly.

I hummed in response.

"Alex." He said louder.



And then I shot up on my bed in the dorm.

"Wh-what?" I looked around.

I realized that I'm okay and alive.

And not hurt, that badly.

"You had a dream about something. Probably about the accident?" Thomas asked.

"Y-yeah. W-what happened." I asked.

Thomas sighed and explained.

And that explains everything about that dream.

So I was in an accident, but only was in a mini coma. And woke up a day later.


It seemed so real. What the fuck.

~Hi!! I told you there was a double update.

Either way, I'm tired and I need sleep.

If you have any questions for me, ask 'em.

I wanna do a q and a chapter for 500 reads. Which will take a BiT, but start asking now.

If something didn't make sense, also ask, I'll try to explain it a bit if you need me to.

But as always, I'll see you in the next chapter


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