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....Bold is author...
*Thomas' POV*

After last night, I tried to fully understand what happened in his life. And to be honest, it was kinda hard.

Probably because it's been a long time since the author actually wrote a chapter and they can't remember what they wrote. Maybe

But I have to do something chill today. Maybe movies and popcorn. That always works. I mean it should.

So I opened Neflix on my laptop and started to pop the popcorn. And a shit ton of blankets and pillows. Don't judge me. Youre an asshole if you judged.

Why the fuck am I so moody though? Is it because the author is a very moody person right now? Maybe. Author snap out of it

Never bitch. Shut the fuck up you macaroni fuck

Well shit. Okay

Shut the fuck up and do something productive

Not gonna ask whats up with them. They must of had a bad day.

Back to the story.

I heard shuffling and soon saw a tired Alex sitting up on his bed. It was cute.

"What are we doing today Tommy?" He asked in an innocent voice.

"Well I thought that we could watch Disney movies and have a shit ton of popcorn?"

"Okay." He said, stretching and standing up.

His shirt rode up and I could see his slight V-line. For a man who works non-stop, he can still look hella hot.

I walk up behind him and hug him. I rest my chin on his head. He let out a quiet giggle, and I nearly died. It was so fucking adorable.

We sat down on the sofa and started the first movie, Moana.

~time skip~

When we finished the second movie, Alex was out.

A carefully picked him up and set him down on his bed.

I needed time to think by myself, so I decided to go on a walk. It was only 3:36 so I would have plenty of time. So I wrote him a small note saying I was going out and to text me when he wakes up.

I grabbed my phone, ear buds, wallet and I was out the door. I wasn't sure where I was going yet.... Oh well

I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice that I was nearing the park.

It was a beautiful park. It had pink cherry blossoms. There were children running around and I could help but smile. It always made me happy seeing others happy.

When I was in the park, i decided to sit on a bench.

I looked up at the sky, not noticing that the sun was setting. But it looked beautiful.

It started as a pink, fading into orange. Then yellow into a light blue, then darker shades of blue.

Since we found out we were soulmates, Lafayette has been teaching us what colours were what.

Thinking about Alex's background made me realize so many people have it worse than I did.

My father used to abuse many drugs and never gave a shit about me and my younger sister. He would be in his room and never came out. He didn't even go to my high school graduation.

My mother always worked to support the family. She wasn't always around, almost never around really. So I took care of my sister.

But then Alex had to deal with losing a father, his mother, and a cousin. And survived a hurricane.

A Whole New World (Jamilton Soulmate Au)Where stories live. Discover now