My life

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Chapter 1

Scarlets POV
"Scarlet get away from there!"
I turn round to see my brother marching towards me with an angry yet concerned look on his face, he's worried for me all the time and won't give me a moment to breath anymore. He grabs my arm and starts pulling me away, "How many times have I told you to not go near the wall?!" I look behind me at the giant wall and sigh. I like standing by it and listening, trying to hear what's going on over it. Perry though, doesn't! He's so over protective all the time, he won't let me have any freedom whatsoever, What's so bad about going near the wall! He's gone OVER the wall before! But he did see dad as a corpse and Julie had to shoot him, I know he worries that I may be killed or bitten but it's a step to far when he won't even let me leave the house without him glued to my side! He's become more stricter and less like my brother as each day of this apocalypse pasts, I was so bored of this apocalypse. It had started when I was only 8 years old, I was playing in the living room when I heard a scream from the garden, I ran outside to see what was happening and saw two hunched over people. I recognised one of them as my mother so I called out to her, but when she turned around she looked different. Her skin was ghostly pale and he eyes were silvery, she was making a groaning noise and started approaching me hungrily. She started to run at me and I stood there frozen but a gun shot caused me to scream as my mother fell dead on the floor with the other person. I looked behind me and saw my father with a military man who was holding a gun, my brother was next to them and he ran towards me. He grabbed my hand and we left the house with the military man to this safe base thing were we soon learned about the virus and the corpses. That was 8 years ago, in that time I made friends with Julie and also lost my father to the virus. Perry and Julie started dating but after dads death he changed a little, become more involved with going outside the wall and killing corpses. I was excited for tomorrow though! It will be my first mission outside the wall and I get to be with Perry and Julie for it!

What am I doing with my life? I'm so pale, I should get out more, I should eat better. My posture is terrible, I should stand up straighter, people would respect me more if I stood up straighter. What's wrong with me? I just want to connect, why can't I connect with people? Oh right, it's because I'm dead. I shouldn't be to hard on myself, I mean we're all dead. I don't really remember how I died or much before the apocalypse, no memories or dreams to tell me, no feelings or emotions. I've made my home at the airport with many other corpses, we also share with some Bonnies. They'll eat anything with a heart beat, I mean so will I but at least I'm conflicted about it! I'll become one someday, I'm not looking forward to that. I don't wanna be this way. I'm lonely, I'm lost, I mean I'm literally lost. I've never been in this part of the airport before. I shuffle along and get to my plane, well it's not my plane but I've made it my home. It holds all of my collections, I've got lots of stuff, from music all the way to a bobble head animal. I've got a best friend, by best friend I mean we occasionally stare and grunt at each other. But sometimes we say certain words, like "hungry" or "city" even if we don't communicate we share a similar taste in food. We travel in packs as we always have someone shooting at us, God we move slow. I wonder if we'll always be like this, probably it's been years. Oh well, I think I'll go talk to M. I'm starting to get a little hungry...

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