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Chapter 4

Scarlet POV
I open my eyes to be met with the corpse boy looking at me closely, I jump in surprise and the blanket falls off me. He looks at me and says nothing, I bring my knees to my chest and look out the window, nothing's out there. I look at him and think of a way to escape the plane, I know he saved my life but I need to get home, I feel my stomach grumble and I get an idea. I clear my throat and turn round so I can face him better, "I'm hungry." He just groans at me and I start getting annoyed,
"I said I'm hungry! Let me go to get food."
"Not safe? Not safe. Well your going to have to get me some food, cause I'm starving."
He nods his head and starts walking towards the entrance door, he turns around to me and does a stay motion with his hand, then he leaves the plane. I quickly get up and run to the window, I watch him walk off and wait till he's out of sight, when he is I quickly wipe my face from what he smeared on it last night and left the plane. I run down the stairs and run under the plane, I start running away from the airport and past some planes that are parked there. I stop dead in my tracks as I see a corpse women come out from behind a plane in front of me, "oh shit." I mutter and quickly hid under a plane by the wheel. More corpses come out from everywhere and I start to panic, stupid! Why did I run from the safety of the plane?! I watch them sniff at the air and groan, I suddenly feel a hand touch my shoulder and I turn around ready to attack when I see the corpse boy from earlier. He looks out at the other corpses and turns back to me, he shakes his head at me, "" He looks at his chest and brings his hand up to my face with some sort of stuff on it, he wipes the stuff on my face again and then sniffs at me. He nods at me and holds onto my wrist, "Safe..." I look at him unsure but come out from under the plane, "oh shit." I look round and see lots of corpses coming towards the plane, the corpse boy turns to me, "play...dead." I give him a confused look and he holds out his arms and groans, I finally understand and act like a corpse. Walking with a bit of a limp and my shoulders up a little and my body hunched, we walk through the group and start walking back towards the plane. The corpse boy turns to me,
"Told you... not safe.."
"Yeah I can see that, I am hungry though."
He guides me to an abandoned part of the airport with a desk, I kneel down by it and look through, suddenly something jumps out at me and I scream whilst hitting it away. The corpse boy kneels down by me and looks a little worried,
"Nothing just a rat."
I carry on searching and find some mouldy food and stuff gone past it's sell by date, it started to seem hopeless when I finally find a pack of tinned beans. "Yes!" I hold them up to the corpse boy and he looks at them, I hold them out for him to take and he just stares at me. I groan and roll my eyes, "hold them please!" He takes them out of my hands and holds them, I rummage through some more shelves and find some ok bread and some forks and spoons. I stand up and look at the corpse boy still holding the beans, I start walking to the plane and I look behind me to see him still standing there. "Are you coming or not corpse boy?" He starts walking with me back to the plane, I go up the steps and I open the door, I look back at the corpse boy. "Be careful not to drop those cause they break eas-" I'm cut off when I trip over the entrance to the doorway and start falling forward, I close my eyes waiting for the impact but never feel it. I open my eyes and see the corpse boy holding me by the waist securely, I blush and shiver at the coldness from his skin. "Um thanks." He lets go of me and I step back a bit, I look at him then realise he's not holding the beans anymore. "Where's the beans?" He looks at the floor and I look down as well, there I saw the beans on the floor and with some broken. I pick one up and see the tops been busted open, I look at the corpse boy and raise an eyebrow at him. "Well... at least we won't have a problem opening it now." I sit down on the floor in a part where the seats are missing, I open up the rest of the lid and grab a spoon, I start eating the beans and sigh. "Not the best having them cold but they'll do." I notice him sit down and lean against some seats, he just watches me eat and does nothing else. I  look at him and smile a little, I lift the beans up,
"Thanks for this corpse boy."
"My.... name..."
"You have a name? What is it?"
"Rrrr? What?"
"Oh! Your name begins with R?"
He nods his head and leans forward a bit,
"Is it Robbie?"
He shakes his head,
He shakes his head,
He shakes his head,
He shakes his head,
"Just R."
He nods his head and smiles a little, I finish my beans and smile at him, I look around the plane.
"So R, do you have running water here? Or something to drink?" He thinks for a bit then gets up and walks behind me, I watch him disappear at the back of the plane and hear something open then close. He stumbles back to me and holds out a bottle of water to me, I smile at him and take it off him, I open up the top and start drinking the water. R sits down again and watches me, I put the top back on and hold it out to him.
"Do you want some?"
"Oh I'm sorry, can you even eat food?"
He shrugs his shoulders at me, I pick up the bean tin that's broken and take a spoonful of beans, I hold it out to him and smile. He takes the spoon and puts it in his mouth tasting it, he spits out the beans and grimaces.
"Did you not like it?"
"Oh I'm sorry R, if i had known then I wouldn't of... you know."
I put the beans down and look at R, smiling at him, I move so I'm sitting in front of him.
"So R, When can I go home?"

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