First meeting

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Chapter 2

Scarlet POV
I hold the gun tightly as we stand by the entrance to the wall, a giant screen above us as we wait for the message from Julie's dad. It's final my first time outside the wall since the whole apocalypse started, Perry had already given me a headache from all his nagging about the dangers and him wanting me to stay home. It was annoying! I wanted to go, also what could go wrong from one quick raid of the hospital close by? Never mind don't answer that question, I could get killed or bitten! But hopefully no corpses are near there, I've never actually seen one, well except for mum but she wasn't completely turned apparently. Let's not think about the past, I'm next to Perry and nervously holding the gun. The screen soon frazzled on and Julie's dad gave his speech, I spaced out during it and snapped back to my sense when Perry grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door of the wall. I gasped as I saw the spray paint and destroyed streets, this was amazing! I'm finally outside that prison! Ok maybe I'm over exaggerating the safe zone but it did feel like one. Everyone had their guns up and ready, when everything was clear we walked down the streets ready with guns in case of a corpse and made are way towards the hospital. We enter cautiously and hold are guns up and search the entrance, nothing, no corpses. Perry takes lead and guides us to the medical room, we enter and shut the door. We start to search through cabinets with Perry watching us,
"We better hurry."
"Well maybe we will move faster if you helped big brother."
He just gave me a 'don't argue with me' look and carried on walking in between the tables, holding his gun tightly. Time passes and not much is gathered, Perry passes Bert who's playing a zombie game on his console, how ironic.
"Hey Bert! You gonna help?"
"No dice, almost at level 5."
I roll my eyes and place my gun down so I can reach the top cabinet, suddenly I hear someone say they heard something from outside the room. I tense and reach down from the cabinet and stand next to Perry, Julie cocks her gun and tenses, she turns slightly towards Perry,
"I did. We should bail."
"Oh hey, we can't just bail, we have orders. Do you have any idea how much medicine the city goes through a month? We need this stuff to survive, we can't just abandoned ar-"
"You starting to sound just like my dad."
"Thank you."
"That wasn't a compliment."
I laugh and walk away from the couple, I look towards the door and get a quick look out the window in the door. It didn't look like anything was there, I could hear talking behind me and I turned round to address it when a loud clatter sounded again.
"I told you I heard something."
"Per lets bail!"
Perry walked slowly towards me and stood behind me as he looked at the door then back at Julie.
"We have orders Jules. There's nothing anyway. Your being paranoid, ok?"
Suddenly the door burst open and a corpses came towards me, Perry quickly hit it with his gun and jumped on a table as more corpses filled the room. He shouted something about aiming for heads but I was to focused on grabbing my gun from the counter, gun shots and screaming grunts filled the room. I shot at any corpses I could see as I hid behind a table as I shot at them, I noticed some of our men were grabbed so I came out from behind the table momentarily to get a better shot. I soon went back behind the table as my gun started to run out of bullets, I heard a familiar shout and realised it was Perry. I stood up but didn't see him where he was standing, I could hear Julie shouting his name but she was grabbed by one corpse. It threw her on the floor and I shot at it, hitting it in the head and killing it. Julie quickly hid under the table and I noticed some more corpses attacking the standing men, I reached over to grab a fallen gun when I was tackled by something strong. I screamed and tried hitting it off but it just kept a firm grip on my arms and held me onto the floor. I could hear some sort of groaning by my face, I made a silent pray in my head and opened my eyes to be met with the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen. They were silvery blue and memorising, but then I noticed the pale white skin and the blue veins on its neck and face. Blood on its mouth, it was a corpse!

Me, M and some other corpses walked, well shuffled, along the deserted streets and roads. We were all hungry and needed something to eat, we sometimes travel in packs to hunt. Made things easier I guess. We walked through an alley way when something dropped down, we all slowly looked up and saw a Bonnie eating. It looked down at us and screeched, claiming that person as its meal, not ours. M placed his hand on my back and gently moved me along, away from the Bonnie. To think one day I'll end up like that, actually I would rather not think about it, we carried on shuffling when we all got a scent of something. M started sniffing and then looked at a shiny building, I closed my eyes and took a big sniff, there was people inside for sure. We all turned and started walking up the stairs to the building hungrily and opened the door, we all walked inside being quiet as possible. Then when we got closer to the smell, my foot hit a door making it close with a soft bang, we all ignored it and started walking faster. As we got really close M knocked a table making a glass fall and shatter, we then started jogging/ walking to the room, not wanting the people to escape and is not eating. I neared a door and slammed my body into it making it open, I walked forward when something hit me in the face making me fall on the ground. The others entered the room and ran at any humans they could find when the humans started shooting at us. You could hear groans and screams in the room and I sat up from where I was knocked down and froze as I saw the most the most beautiful person ever. She had long brown hair, she was holding a gun and shooting at corpses as they came towards her. Time seemed to slow down as I stared at her, she moved back behind the table and I stood up. I started to make my way over to the girl when I felt something hit my chest, I look up to see the guy who shot me. I quickly ran at him and grabbed his legs, pulling him off the table and into the floor. I grabbed his arm and looked at his wrist, nice watch, I bit down quickly on his wrist then started to bash his head on the ground to break it. Now I don't like doing this but it's the world we live in, I enjoy the brains the most. When we eat the brains we can see their memories and feelings, their thoughts. I saw his life in stages. Him as a kid with exploding lights in the sky, on a bike with a brown haired girl, getting bullied at school and the girl helping him, him in a room with people and a blond girl smiling at him, the blond girl telling him he loved her. Then the brown haired girl I saw, standing by the wall looking at it.
"Scarlet! What have I said about doing that?!"
"Oh lighten up Perry! I'm just looking! Besides your not my dad, your my brother!"
I come back the real world by a girl shouting Perry, I see the girl get taken down by a corpse and I quickly grab the watch from the boy. I stand up and see Scarlet behind the table, hitting her gun with her hand, she looks to the gun a bit away from her and she reaches out for it. I can't let her grab the gun, I quickly tackle her to the ground next to the gun and try to calm her down. She try's hitting me but I hold her down firmly, I study her face as she's calm, her eyes are closed. Is she asleep? She suddenly opens them and I'm frozen, her eyes are so green and colourful. There beautiful, she looks back at me in amazement? I think, I'm not very good at reading emotions. She looks at my face then her eyes widen, she suddenly try's loosening my grip on her and because of my frozen stage she manages to crawl back a little from me to the table. I kneel down in front of her, "S-Scarlet..." she looks at me confused and breaths heavily, "what?" She looks at me confused but I hear sniffing behind me, I turn and see M sniffing with the others. Uh oh, they can smell her.

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