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Chapter 6

Scarlet POV

I never thought in a million years that I would be sitting with a corpse playing cards but yet here I am, R had so many things around this plane! Most of it was weird junk, a few random items but a LOT of records. He said they made him feel alive, he really is one of a kind corpse, for that past 2 days we've been playing them 24/7. R showed me this moving photo stick which was actually pretty cool, I tried on a bunch of sunglasses on him and myself but R wasn't into that as much as I found it funny. He even had a zombie movie is his little collection! I tried to teach him the slapstick game but it was more me slapping his hands and him doing nothing. One day we just spent an hour watching a water bird toy go up and down, R didn't find it boring but he stares at everything. I was really enjoying being slightly carefree, not having to constantly worry about survival, just spending time with someone who listens. But for a while Perry had been on my mind, I didn't see him when we left the hospital that day R saved me but I heard him scream so I can only presume that... well I lost him. I decided to ask R about it, he wasn't getting this card game anyway, plus he was there so maybe he knows something.
"R, can I ask you something?" He looks up from the cards and looks at me as I take a breath in,
"My brother, he died back there. Will he come back... as one of you?" R quickly shakes his head and looks back down as I sigh out loud and lean back against the chairs.
"That's good I guess." I wrap my arms round my knees as I think about Perry.
"Something happened to him, well us. A lot of things happened." I look up at R and see him copy the way I'm sitting as I continue speaking.
"But I guess there came a point where he couldn't absorb anymore, it's just, in my world people die all the time." I feel some tears slip down my cheeks as I keep talking,
"So, you know it's not like I'm not sad that he's gone. Cause I am, but I think I've been preparing for it for a really long time."
I wipe away the tears falling down my face as I look to R, he stares at me for a few seconds before getting up and walking down the aisle. I hear him start up the record player as a song I don't recognise starts to play, I look over to him to see R walk back over to me and sit down across from me but to my side. He places his hand over where his heart should be if it was still beating, then leans over and places his hand over where my heart is. I look down at the hand on my chest as I look into his eyes as he looks back at me, I guess this is his way of saying he understands or giving me comfort. I stare at him in amazement,
"What are you?" I ask breathlessly as I smile at Him.
For the rest of the day we listened to that track and goofed around before I started to get sleepy and it was dark outside.
"I think I'm gonna go to bed, night R." I smile at him as I snuggle into the blankets he found for me a couple nights ago, R nods his head and sits in the pilot seats as I start to fall asleep. About 20 minutes go by and I can't sleep, I really enjoy being around R but I have to go home, Julie is probably worried sick and I don't belong in R's world. He's a corpse and I'm human, I'm a danger to him and he's a danger to me. I have to leave, I look over at the front and see R in a world of his own, I get up quietly and sneak over to the door. I take one last look at R as I whisper a soft 'sorry' before stepping out of the plane and checking the area. After I see it's clear of corpses I run towards where i entered from, I enter the building and run towards the exit when a group of corpses appear from nowhere. I scream as one launches towards me, I look around for weapons as I see a hedge trimmer laying on the ground, I pick it up as I face the small group of corpses and swipe at any that come towards me.

I look back at Scarlet as I watch her sleep peacefully. It must be nice to sleep, I wish I could, I wish I could dream but the dead don't dream. I pull out some of the brains from earlier and stuff them in my mouth, this is as close as we get, I chew happily as I see the memories of her brother fill my head. I see him taking with a man as he's with other people, the man slips a badge into his shirt as another shows him a gun, next he's in the lab with a bunch of people. Scarlets there as well, she's laughing and smiling at him, there talking about something. This was the day I met Scarlet, the next thing I see coming towards them. The corpses attacking them, everyone's rushing and there's screams and I see me. Staring back at me is me, I come towards him, I don't want to see anymore. I spit out his brains as I sit there in disgust, I looked like a monster. I look back towards scarlet and my eyes widen in alarm as there's nothing but blankets. I jump out of my seat and rush towards the doors as I walk/ run towards her scent, as I enter the building I hear her screaming with the sounds of a motor. I rush towards the sound to see her surrounded by corpses as she try's to keep them away. She knocks out 3 of them before I see M grab her weapon and wrestle it away from her and grab ahold of her as she screams, I can't let him hurt her!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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