Car ride

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Chapter 5

"So R, when can I go home?"
She can't go home yet, what do I do? I know I'll tell her it's not safe.
"I know and I'm thankful that you saved me but I have to go home soon."
She can't leave, not yet, I know I'll tell her they'll notice! That isn't not safe.
" They'll... notice..."
"I get that, but I know that you can get me out if you managed to get me in."
Oh crap! I know I'll say to wait and that it will be safe then.
"How long?"
"Few...days..., they'll...forget. You' ok."
She looks at me and shakes her head chuckling, she tilts her head at me smiling.
"What kind of corpse are you?"
I just shrug my shoulders and watch her chuckle a little,
"I've never heard a corpse talk before, unless you count groaning as taking. Is there others like you?"
I shrug my shoulders again and she she shakes her head at me,
"You shrug a lot, stop shrugging all the time."
I start to shrug again but she gives me a look and rolls her eyes,
"There you go again! What are you a shrugger? So what do you do for fun around here?"
I look around then think of the car, I get up and hold out my hand for her to take, she has a confused look but takes it anyway. She shivers a little and smiles in a weird way, "your quite cold." I pull her to the door and down the stairs, I think she'll like the car, hopefully.

Scarlet POV
R pulled me all the way to a car park at the airport, he brings me to a red Mercedes, I didn't know there was anymore! I look at R shocked and he nods towards the car, I squeal and run towards it, I look round it all and inspect it all. It was in great condition, I loved cars ever since I was a little girl, dad used to show me how to fix them. I miss him... I felt tears build up and R placed a hand on my shoulder causing me to jump in surprise.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just remembered something, that's all. So you wanna go for a drive?"
I smirk at R and get into the drivers seat, I watch him get into the seat next to me and I fiddle under the wheel. I finally get the wires out and place them together making the car start up, I look at R and see him staring at me, when he sees me looking at him he turns away quickly. I reverse the car and drive it round and out of the car park, I pick up speed as I drive down the runway, This is amazing. The feeling of the wind in my hair, the fresh air, no running away from corpses or over protective brother telling me it's not safe. I felt... free. I slowed down and stopped, I look at R, "you want to drive?" He looks a little unsure but I quickly jump out of the car and walk to his side, I open the door for him and he gets out slowly. I get into the passenger seat and he gets into the drivers seat, I plug my seat belt in and R does the same, he places his hands on the wheel and sits there.
"Um R? Shouldn't you try driving?"
He nods and the car launches forward but then stops suddenly, he does this for a while and I quickly tell R to stop. I notice he has both feet on the pedals, I sigh and direct R in what pedal is which, he soon gets the hang of it and we're driving down the runway. I laugh and see R smiling as best as he can, I lift my arms up and cheer as we go faster, R lifts up his arms as well and the car starts to swerve a little.
"R! Put your hands on the wheel!"
He quickly puts his arms down onto the wheel and we go back on corse, I sigh and look at R.
"R, you can't let go of the wheel or we could crash."
"It's fine. Maybe we should go back to the plane, it's  starting to get dark."
He nods and turns the car back to the car park, we drive up the ramp and towards the other cars there, he breaks just as we hit into another car in front of us. I go forward then snap back because of the seatbelt, "god R! This was a good car!" I laugh a little as I hear the car in front make a weird noise that sounds like 'recalculating' I look at R and shake my head laughing, I get out of the car with R and he sniffs at me, he brings his hand to his chest and then to my face. He wipes the sticky liquid on my cheek that smells, he sniffs at me again and nods, we exit the car park and see some other corpses around the airport and I take Rs hand scared. He tenses a little but smiles at me and keeps walking/shuffling, we soon get back to the plane and we walk up the stairs, we enter the plane and I walk in towards the back. I look around at all the objects and pick up a snow globe, I shake it gently and watch the snow fall around the two people holding hands. I feel a hard cold body behind me and I know it's R, I carry on looking at some objects after putting down the snow globe. I pick up an old record and smile at the memory, my mum used to play this track when I was a little kid, she would play it and then pick me up so I could dance with her. She would dress me up and twirl me round like a princess, I smile and feel a wet feeling running down my cheeks, I sniff and wipe away the tears falling down my cheeks.
"Yeah, yeah. Just remembering something."
I turn around to look at R and he brings his hand up to my cheek, he wipes away a tear and awkwardly puts his arms round my shoulders, hugging me slightly.
"Don't...cry. You' ok."
"Thanks R."
I hug him back cautiously and cry lightly into his shoulder, I pull back and wipe away some more tears, I smile at him and turn to the track that caused my tears.
"Sorry, I just have a few memories with this track."
"No good. My mother used to twirl me round and dance with me when I was a little kid to this track. But I haven't done that since the apocalypse."
I look down sadly and sigh, I zone out and think of the times before the apocalypse but snap back out of it after hearing the track playing. I turn around to see R standing by the record player, he walks towards me and takes my hands making me twirl round. He then try's dancing with me but is failing bad, I laugh and smile at him, taking his hands and guiding him whilst dancing. I laughed loudly and he smiles, today was a fun day. Maybe I was wrong about the corpses, after all, R is... pretty amazing.

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