the plaque

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So this is axetale I am officially in love with it. And I do not own undertale or axetale nor the art.

Frisk pov

That creature honestly looked formilure, but anyways toriel died it killed her it was bad it stole all of the human souls and being pregnant was not helping, I was pregnant with sans and I'd baby girl undyne was hurt badly she still hasn't woken up sans said he had an idea but he didn't tell me yet I saw him come in "heya sweetheart ya ready for the plan." "Uh yah I guess." "Heh I guess I should tell ya huh?" I just nodded "well  so I thought you should take toriel soul to cross the barrier and get seven souls and help us out?" He said scratching the back of his skull "yah that's a good idea." And I grabbed toriel soul and absorbed the soul and crossed the barrier and there was a flash of white.

I woke up I was out of the mountain I ran to the closest town. I ran into a ally way there was someone there with me I felt the air tense up and I was on guard then a man jumped on me and started rapping me.

Time skip (cause I dint wanna write that.)

I woke up in asylum my I felt in a kick in my stomach as I  remember what happened the other night I saw some one I yelled "you need to get me out of here I need 7 souls to free the monsters." They just walked away quicker I sat back in the corner

No one believes me they say that there's no monster or that I'm insane but I'm not they are real I need to get back to them then I felt something wet in my crouch area I looked to see water and blood OH NO! I'm in labor "AHHHHHH HELP I'M IN LABOR! IT HURTS!" I screamed as I saw people run in as I blacked out.

Sans pov

I've been sitting at the barrier ever sense frisk left I felt so alone papyrus is getting worried about me I won't say anything just stare into the eabuse I felt so so empty I also felt sick. And hungry

Frisk pov

I was sitting in my cell telling my baby about her family in the underground and her father about her birth then I felt tired "I love you Aliza" I said as I felt darkness swallow me up she's going to live with my mother.

Sans pov

I felt frisks soul pull away I looked at my necklace that she gave me there was her normally beautiful red soul in there was a grey cracked and chipped soul I saw it turn to dust I couldn't feel anything I felt broken I hope my baby's fine I hope she survived we chose aliza after her mother her real one.

Time skip

Aliza pov

I was bullied for my eyes and how I was born in a cell and how I'm part monster I was raised by my grandma after my mom died. I was exploring the attic when I found some pictures of my mom and some monsters then I saw a picture of a skeleton I believe he was my father the picture was all scratched up so I didn't know for sure  then I found my mom's heart charm and I also found a notebook and I fliped to the first page and it talked about a mountain so I decided to go to the mountain that my mom lived in so I read the notes it said it was mountain Ebot. (I do not know how sans and aliza met I only know the beginning and a little bit of the end. Frisks soul follows aliza around and shows her were to go. When she fell in the underground she went to sans. Frisk got the lockets one for her which was sans soul and one for sans which was her soul ) I saw a hole I went towards it I was examining it then I heard rushing water I went towards it there was some trash I saw a little birdy stuck in the water so I tried to help it but I tripped and fell down the water fall and then I hit my head on something strange and everything became black.

Sans x frisk one shots.(discontinued sorry)Where stories live. Discover now