Ch.1 The Tweet

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                                                                                *Nico's pov*                                                                                                                                           *Graysons laugh! Graysons laugh!*
"Why the fuck is Alexis's notifications so loud." I say to myself as I check my phone. The first thing I see is The create hats posts about the Dolan twins wanting to colab with with some youtubers. I figured It was probably Kian and Jc or something so I didn't check. But then I relaised it was noon. Oh.. My god we slept till noon.. So I through a pillow at Alexis and said "Hey its almost one." she sat up almost immediatly lookint at her phone for the time and and started poking Jasmine. Jasmine basically ignored it and rolled over to keep sleeping. So I went through Alexis's room and found a horn. I brought it up to Jasmines ears and blew it. She completely ignored it and rolled over facing Alexis and grabbed her by the hair throwing her over the couch. Alexis was screaming fuck and jasmine looked at me and said "What did you do to Alexis why is she screaming." I gave her the dumbest look while making sure Alexis was okay and said "I didnt do that you fucking idiot you did." At that point it looked like Jasmine was wide awake. She said "It's okay to be an idiot." I just rolled my eyes and kept going through notifications on my phone.

                   *Alexis's pov*
After I got up off the floor I went through twitter and seen Ethans most recent tweet. After i finished reading it I screamed "OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Nico looked at me and said "What's up?" and Jasmine said "dude what." So I calmed myself dowb and read everthing Ethan posted. "So me and Gray were bored and watching random youtube videos when we clicked on some mouth trap video. We watches the whole thing and realised it was a really cool video. After a few hours of thinking we decided it would be cool to try and do a colab with these people. By the way their youtube channel is Jasmine&Alexis check them out." As I finished reading Jasmine and Nico both were freaking out.

                  *Jasmines pov*
As Alexis finishes reading that tweet I couldn't stop freaking out. "WE WERE NOTICED BY ETHAN AND GRAYSON DOLANNNNN! OH MY GOD!!" I looked over to see that Nico calmed herself down and was so concentrated on her phone it looked like she couldn't care less. "Nico did you hear anything Alexis said." She completely ignored that to. And Alexis looked at her and said "duddde we got noticed!" But she was still looking at her phone. What the fuck is her deal?

                    *Nicos pov*
While Jasmine and Alexis were screaming shit at me I was dming Ethan. I was really surpised when he messaged me back because I didn't think he would even read it. 
Me- Hey Ethan my names Nico and Im one of those girls from the youtube channel Jasmine&Alexis I was wondering if you were serious about the video colab thing.

Ethan- Hey! I was actually just about to message one of you guys and talk about the video.. So what I was thinking was maybe you guys could come to california and film with us?

Me- Well I mean we could but we'd need to all get permission from our parents and try to come up with the money to get there.

Ethan- Well for starters do you think everyones parents would agree?

Me- I'm prettt sure Alexis's parents will be fine. And I know Jasmines parents wont care because they let her do whatever. I'll just go without telling mine

Ethan- What!? You need to tell them.. But if you can come we'll pay for you to get here by jet.. That way you get here quickly.

Me- I can tell you we will all be able to come. No doubt.

Ethan- Alright then can you get to the tampa airport tomorrow?

Me- Yes.

Ethan- Then we'll see you there.

After I finished texting him I showed Jasmine and Alexis the messages and they both started screaming at the top of their lungs causing Alexis's mom to come out of her room. When she came out Alexis explaines the situation and begged to go. In time her mom gave in and even said she'd drop us off at the airport. jasmine called her parents and they agreed instantly. I just didnt bother with mine. "So then its settled? We're all going to L.A."
We all went to bed with smiles that night.

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