Ch.6 Brainstorming

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                                                                             *Kian's POV*

I woke up to see everyone gone. I looked around the living room to see only Nico asleep on the ground. Man she's pretty cute when she's asleep.. Wait what am I saying I don't even know her.. As I finished my thoughts she sat up and looked around.. "Good morning" I said smiling at her. She smiled back and said "morning! Where is everyone?!" I wish I could give her a real answer but I just don't know. So I shrugged and said "They were gone when I woke up." She just looked around again and said "Everyone? That's weird." After she finished that sentence she laughed and it was so cute. I swear She's like the coolest person I've ever met. Right as I finished my thoughts everyone came walking in the front door. JC walked up to me and said "You two are finally awake.. geez we were starting to think you'd sleep all day. So we went out to eat and brought you both back food. Nico.. Your friends picked our food and Kian I got yours." Nico like jumped up at the smell of food. I could tell she was hungry. When JC handed her the bag of food her giant smile went to a frown. At this point it was just me her and JC in here. The rest went into the kitchen to talk about the video I guess. I looked at Nico and said "You okay?" She smiled back and said "Yea im fine! Just go with the others I'll be there in a sec!" She seemed sure she was fine so I walked off into the kitchen to join the others.

                                                                                 *JC's POV*

As Kian left the room I looked at Nico and said "What's really wrong." She looked up and all she said was "You said Jasmine and Alexis picked this out for me right.." I don't know what she's getting at here but it doesn't look good. All I did was nod and she looked like she was gonna cry. So I walked over and looked at her food. "What's wrong with it?" She looked up at me and said "Most everything in there is strawberry flavored.." I was so lost.. does she not like strawberries...? "Okay.. so?" She looked down and said "I'm... allergic to them... and they know that.." I didn't know what to say.. Jasmine had said they were Nico's favorite fruit.. I feel like somethings going on between the three of them. We all need to get along in order for this big colab to work out.. So I asked Nico "What's going on between you three.. I mean Jasmine's been giving you the look ever since I got here." She shrugged when I asked and said "I don't know... It started all of a sudden.. I have no clue. But lets not worry about that now okay.. Please don't say anything let's just go help them out in the kitchen." After she said that she walked off into the kitchen. She looked mad but she also looked like she didn't wanna talk about it.

                                                                                    *Kians POV*

I seen Nico and JC finally join us in the kitchen.... but Nico didn't have her food? Did she eat it all already? Damn it looked like she had a strawberry shortcake, a thing of strawberries, and I think a bacon wrapped hotdog? There's no way she ate it all that fast. "Hey Nico! Where's your food?" She looked at Jasmine and Alexis then walked out. I don't know what just happened but we can't continue until she comes back. As I said that she came back in with her bag and handed it to me and said "You can eat it.. I'm not that hungry." I don't understand why she said that? But I'm not gonna say no to free food so as I eat the food we begin brainstorming Ideas for the vids. 

                                                                                  *Jasmines POV*

Phase one completed. We are gonna get Nico to just leave. I'm personally done with her shit. She does all of this on purpose just to piss us off. When she's gone it will make things so much easier. As Nico was giving ideas to everyone I whispered to Kian "Hey.. I thought you should know something.." He looked at me and said "what?" I whispered back "Nico said you were a waste to the world.. she talks shit every time she watches your videos... she even said... I don't know if you wanna know what else she said.." He looked so mad/sad and whispered back "N-no I wanna know.." I looked at him and looked down "She said... she wished you would just stop making YouTube videos and disappear.." Kian just stared at the ground after I told him that. I looked over at Nico and smirked and she just looked confused. I'm finally getting my payback for everything she has done. Nico just kept talking and she said "I'm not really sure on what kind of challenge to do.. but I have ideas for the other video.." Mikey looked at me and said "Ohh what kind of ideas!" I looked back and said.. "How about a... music video.." Shane looked up and said "GREAT IDEA!" Kian looked the same and JC Gray and E all had the same expression when saying "hell ya! While Bryce smiled and said "I love the idea!" After everyone settled down it looked like Alexis was about to say something. So I said "Hey A-" Before I could even say anything loud enough for someone to hear Nico said "Alexis you got an idea?!" Alexis looked over at me then said.. "What if do some kind of guessing game.. Like do a live video instead of a challenge.. and have the fans guess who all is going to be staring in the dolan twins video.. Then at the end we can like announce that we are working on something.." Everyone agreed to her idea and everyone but Kian looked excited for it.. Maybe I went a little to far..

                                                                              *Kians POV*

I got up and walked out of the room and Nico followed me out. I just looked back and said "Leave me alone would you." She looked confused when I said that. Then she said "What? Are you alright." I just glared at her. I can't believe I thought she was really cool. I can't believe I actually liked her. She's rude and just like everyone else. I looked at her and said "I can't believe I trusted you. I can't believe I thought of you as a friend. Just leave me alone and don't talk to me. Also don't watch my videos if they make you that fucking mad got it?" 


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