Ch.8 Going Home

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                                                                                  *David's POV* 

I wasn't really sure what was happening but me and Liza watched Nico run out of the kitchen in tears. I wanted to go ask what was wrong but I don't think that's any of my business. I looked over to Shane to see he was thinking the same thing. I am honestly curious as to what went down in there. I glance over at Liza as she says "Imma go talk to her" As she kissed me on the cheek and walked off. I sigh and say "Hopefully this is nothing to bad." Shane looked at me and nodded agreeing with me. 

                                                                                   *Nico's POV*

I sat in Grayson's room on his bed as I noticed Liza coming in the room. I quickly wiped my tears and looked over smiling. "Hey Liza! what's up?" She looked at me and tilted her head "What happened in the kitchen?" Dang it.. she jumped straight to the point.. "Well.." She kept looking at me as if she wanted me to continue. "Jasmine and Alexis are... lying about some things and I don't know." Liza looked at me then back out into the living room. "I thought they were your best friends?" I laughed a little when answering. "You know.. so did I.. but lately they started acting weird as if I did something wrong but I don't know what I did." I couldn't help but shed a tear and Liza said "Hey things will get better! but crying won't help so let's just go back out there and try to start thinking about this video alright!" I nodded and followed her out into the living room. As I got out there I could see everyone was kinda just looking at me. Then Shane spoke up "Okay anywayss how about that live video we were gonna do." I looked around and everyone stayed quiet while looking at me. That's when David spoke up and said "Yea we should probably like get started on that okay?" Still no one answered. I stood up and said "I'll help out.. I'm gonna go pack my stuff so you guys can continue the colab." After saying that I looked around to see if anyone would say anything then I just walked off. I'm not gonna be the reason this colab doesn't happen. It's better if it happens without me rather than never happening at all.

                                                                                       *Mikey's POV*

Nico stood up and said "I'll help out.. I'm gonna go pack my stuff so you guys can continue the colab." After she said that she stood up looked around then walked out.. Is everyone really okay with her leaving? I mean this is going to far and they all know that.. "Guys?! Are you just gonna let her go." Bryce looked at me and shrugged while Kian said "Who cares." I can't believe he said that.. I mean it's obvious from Jasmine and Alexis's Channel that Nico likes Kian? She always talks about him and JC so why would she have said all that rude shit? This makes no sense at all. I looked at Kian then to Jasmine and Alexis. "We need to resolve this. Right now." Jasmine looked at me and said "There's nothing to resolve." I get shes mad but this isn't helping anything. at this rate there won't be a video. "Don't say that. She wouldn't be leaving if this was just all her fault." Alexis looked at me then at Jasmine. "Alexis? Is there something you want to say." She just nodded then Jasmine said "She talked about Kian? and she wasn't really being nice as you seen what happened in the kitchen." I shook my head and said "No, what happened in the kitchen was bullshit and you all know it. Kian, have you ever watched Jasmine and Alexis's channel?" Kian looked at me and said "I watched their videos with Nico when I first met them." I looked at Jasmine and Alexis then back to Kian.. "Alright then you should know that Nico wouldn't say anything about you. She talks about you in like every video with them, Also in the Dolan Twins last video Nico freaked out about the song 'please don't sing' and screamed you and JC's names. Why would she talk about your videos if she thinks your amazing?" Kian didn't say anything but stare at the ground. So I turned to Jasmine and Alexis. "What really happened? Why did you buy her strawberries and lie to Kian?" When I asked Jasmine walked out with Alexis following behind. Ethan and Grayson just looked at me and Gray said "This is all a mess. We need to do that live video soon though so we can work on the music video." Ethan just nodded and Bryce said "Well then I think someone should go stop Nico, and you two should go talk to your 'girlfriends." I figured I go see Nico since Kian was still staring at the ground. I looked over to Liza, David, and Shane then said "I'm sorry about all this but we'll get this sorted out." With that I ran upstairs into the room and pushed Nico onto the bed stopping her from folding clothes. "Hey!" She just looked at me and layed there. I didn't move from on top of her and said "Listen, this isn't completely your fault. I actually don't know what really happened but.. I think you need to talk to the other two about it and try to settle things. I don't want you to leave and I know everyone else is the same." She just stared at me for a bit then said "Mikey.. almost everyone else down there hates me for whatever the hell I did. But I swear on my life I didn't talk shit behind anyone's back." I just looked at her and smiled. "I already know that silly." She laughed a bit and sat up.. "Alright.. I'll try and talk to them." I grabbed her arm and drug her downstairs.. "Then let's go!!"

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