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[Running Low]
Chapter three:

I finish making my bed and walk over to the sleeping Cam and what do I do? I slap her awake!
"Wake up sunshine!" I exclaim while I slightly slap her.
"Mhm bitch mhm," she goans and placed her pillow over her head.
"Fine be late!" I add and her head immediately peaks up from under the pillow.
"Bitch, why didn't you wake me?!" She asks and starts to scurry around the room.
"I mean I did..." I trial off while I grab my things and walk out the door. I shake my head as I walk to the elevator and press the down button. The sliver doors separate and who do I see? Brown curly haired boy.
"Hey," he says "your from History huh?"
"Yeah" I say with a slight smile and chuckle.
"Shawn," he says smiling.
"Jayde," I say back.
"Beautiful," I hear him whisper under his breathe. I don't say anything back, to save his embarrassment.
"History we go," I hear him say and I begin to laugh. We both step out of the elevator and begin to walk to the class. I walk through the double doors and into the chilly morning air. Though I'm in leggings, my legs begin to grow cold.
"Cold huh?" Shawn looks at me.
"Yeah, I mean it's..." I trail off as I look at the temperature on my phone, "not even 20°F"
"Surprised your not use to it," he adds.
"Mhm?" I question.
"I mean that's if you grew up here?" He says more as a question.
"Yeah I have, have you?" I ask while I rub my hands together.
"Not exactly here, but in Canada," he answers.
"Canada ay?" I raise my eyebrow and we burst out in laughter.
"Your different Jayde," he comments with his bright smile and rosy cheeks.
"And so are you Shawn," I remark.


I sling my bag over my shoulder and begin to head out of the class and into the cold weather once again. I feel a wetness in my shoe as soon realize that I am walking in snow.
'Well great' I think.

I make my way to the near by Starbucks and make my way into the I hope warm café. I walk over to the line and stand there for a bit.
"Next," I hear.
"Hello what can I get you?" I young boy asks.
"Hot pumpkin spice latte please," I say and take a five out and hand it to him. He gives it back and I immediately become confused.
"A young man said he would pay for the person after him," the boy says. I nod my head and wait off to the side until my order is done.
"Jayde?" I hear my name and go and grab my coffee while I say a thank you. I make my way over to a booth and place my things down along with my coffee. I scoot my way into the booth and take a sip of my latte.
'So good' I say to myself as the warmth of the coffee warms my insides and my hands. Before I grab my phone, I look down at my coffee and notice some writing:
(617)889-8009 :)

"What?" I say aloud confused.

Ooooooo. Whatcha think? Any idea who/what?

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Xoxo Brianna

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