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[Running Low]
Chapter fifteen; 2 months later..

"Jayde get up lazy ass. I wanna go shopping!" She says excitedly as she holds her credit card up.
"Fine," I roll my eyes laughing at her. She claps her hands and grabs her army green coat as I slip on a top and my maroon coat as well. We both grab our phones and wallets, I grab the dorm key and we head out. Living in the city of Boston, it's kinda convenient since we are close to the mall, but not in this weather. But neither of us have a car at the moment.
"So how is Moon?" She says wiggling her eyebrows with a goofy grin.
"Oh my- stop. Nothing is happening okay?" I say shaking my head.
"Come on. Ever since, not saying his name, left you've gotten closer to him!" She exclaims, showing her passion to the this topic.
"I know. Okay? But it's just I don't think it's going anywhere," I confess.
"Who knows. All I know is I hope you find someone finally."
I laugh at her mumbling as we walk into the warm air filled mall. She asks where to first and we agree on Forever 21, cause that's my store right there. Searching through all the racks and shelves, we managed to dent most of the store.
"How many?" The lady asks.
"8," I reply as she hands me the correct number tag for the dressing room. I hear Cam behind me saying 10. I roll my eyes knowing she'll most likely get everything.
I try on a tight top, loose legged romper immediately falling in love with it.

Walking out of the dressing room, I place 5 items onto the rack of putting back and kept the other 3 with me. I knock on Cam's door and she answers with a 'one minute'. She comes out going to the rack and places 3 pieces back, pointing at me to come with her.
"Damn that's cute," she gushed over the romper I'm getting.
"Thanks but that dress is adorable," I compliment. We head over to the register, buying the many items and heading off to the next store and the next.

Hours later, we end up with three bags each and a coffee in our hands. Heading back home was difficult due to the harsh cold and holding all the bags. We manage our way back to the dorm opening the door and sitting the bags down. I pull my phone out of my pocket after feeling a light vibration.

Moon: hey!

I click into it and immediately reply.


Whatcha been up too?

Just did some damage
shopping lol. Hbu?

Haha. Just texting a
beautiful girl.

Do you know her?

I chuckle to myself feeling my cheeks begin to burn.

I don't lol

But how do you know
she's beautiful?

Good guess haha

But really I'm watching
my daily dose of
grey's. Thx for the
most binge watchful
show ever!

Haha. No need to thank me
for the best show possible!

Sure sure 😂

I wanted to ask you something though...

Uh sure. What's up?

I crinkle my eyebrows wondering what he could possibly want to ask.

We've known each other
for a while now and I was
wondering if...

If you wanted to meet up?

My face turns into a shocked expression as I read the text over again. Cam must've noticed because she popped her head up and asked what happened.
"Uh moon asked to meet up," I gulp.
"No way!" She says coming over to my bed and reads his text. "Girl, what are you going to do?" She asks looking at me.
"Was hoping you would tell me. Because I'm taking to long to reply.

To early. I'm sorry

"See!" I say pointing at my phone anxiously.
"Just tell him sure but ask where?" She says.


But sure.

Where tho?

Can you meet in the center
of the city at the big

You knon where that is?

Uh near the TD Garden

(A/N: pretend that it is near there:))


When? 😁

I begin to feel anxious even more but happy as well.

Saturday at 6?


I'm excited but anxious haha

Haha same...

Just glad to see you!

Me too ahhh

You're so cute lol

Well thank you💁🏽

Vain are we? Lol

Haha nah


I leave him on open as I throw my phone at the end of my bed and shift my coat off of me.
"Cam I'm nervous!" I exclaim.
"I would be too. But hey I'll help you get ready," she smirks and I shake my head. All that is on my mind is what is going to happen for the next four days that lead to this event. I smile to myself with a sigh following.

Shawn Mendes

Pacing. That's all I'm doing because I'm heading to Boston soon. Back to my home town, back to where I met her. It's nerve racking. But hey, she probably doesn't even remember me. Ever since I found her Instagram, and saw some of her pics, my heart broke. Why did I lie? Why did I leave? All these questions inside my head and yet she's the only one that stands out. All I do is think about her at my shows and even when I write my songs. It all gets a bit too much.
"Hey you okay?" Charlie pats my shoulder.
"Yeah," I nod. But he doesn't seem to buy it.
"We're going to Boston," I spit and it's like his brains mental switch flipped and he looks at me in pity.
"I'm sorry man," he hugs me.

Crappy needing but I 1 more chapter left :(

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Xoxo Brianna

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