chapter four

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*Rachel POV*

After meeting all of the boys me and Matt went to reception to get our room keys, luckily we had separate rooms. "Matthew you are room number 213 and Rachel you are room 210. You will both be on the fourth floor and when you get out the lift turn to your right and your rooms are almost across each other. Enjoy your stay." said the man at the front desk. We made our way to the lift, got in and pressed the button. "So, did you like the boys ratchet?" He asked me. Ratchet was his nick name for me and only he called me that. Other people tried to call me that but I never let them, it was different when he called me that, I mean he is my brother. I brought myself back to reality, "I guess there okay.." I replied. I was just thinking about when Matt came into the car early on today, I mean I wonder why he was so happy. The door of the lift open and we walked down the hall to our rooms. "I think I'm gonna go to bed since I didn't get any sleep on the frickin plane with that guy snoring next to me, well see ya Matt." I said as I hugged him and walked into my room. "See ya!" he yelled loud enough so I could hear. I dropped my bags and flopped down on my bed and instantly fell asleep.

*Matthews POV*

I was happy to see the boys again, it has been a while since I had last seen them. I pulled out the paper that the fan gave and copied her phone number into my contacts naming her 'Bobbi:)'. I decided to text her as I already slept on the plane for a long time.

Matt; Hi, it's Matt:)

I wasn't expecting her to reply so quick but she replied almost straight away.

Bobbi; Well I see you got my number:)

Matt; Yep, and I'm glad I did!.

Bobbi; Aww:)

I heard a knock on my door and I shouted, "Come in!" I looked up and saw Hayes walk in and sit on the end of bed and before I could ask what he was doing here he spoke up and asked, "The boys and I are going out to lunch and we were wondering if you wanted to come, and maybe even Rachel?" Rachel was sleeping so I knew she wouldn't want to come but I was in. I needed to catch up with the boys, since I haven't seen them in a while. "Sure i'll come, but I don't think Rachel will she just went to take a nap but you can go knock on her door if you want. Just don't come crying to me when she kicks yo ass outa her room, she can get a bit aggressive when people interrupt her sleep!" I laugh. He laughed as well then replied, "Haha that will never happen, but I'll I see if she wants to come." I was surprised that he said that, he won't even go on the tea cups at a funfair let alone get his fat ass kicked by a girl! He got up and opened the door and as he was closing it behind him, I wished him good luck. I texted Bobbi quickly.

Matt; I'm going out with the boys, ttyl:)

Bobbi; Bye, have fun:)

I put my phone away in my pocket and got ready for lunch.

*Hayes POV*

I walked across the hall to Rachel's room and knocked on her door not even thinking twice about it. I heard a few movements coming from the room then a here a pissed groan. I then here someone walking to the door, it opens and I see a half a sleep Rachel in front of me. She looks so adorable when she's half asleep. "What do you want? If its something that is not important, i swear to God! Do you know what happens when someone wakes me from my sleep? I get cranky, and when I get cranky just trust me you don't wanna know!" she says in a rude tone. "Oh but I do!" I smirk. she just stands there with her arms folded, keeping a straight face. "Anyway..." I begin breaking the silence, "I was wondering if you wanted to come to lunch with the boys and I?" I finish. "No I don't actually! Thank you for waking me from my sleep! Now if you would kindly remove yourself from here or do I have to make you go away?" she groans. "I'd like to see that happen." I wink. "Haha. You think your soo funny! Just because your famous doesn't mean every girl has to instantly fall in love with you!" she starts, "Oh Hayes I love you so much!" she mimics one of my fans. I was speechless I didn't know what to say. She just laughed then all at once she turned me around and kicked me across the hall making me fall to the ground. "That will teach you." she said brushing her hands together. She instantly slams the door and I'm just left sitting on the floor absolutely speechless. Then Matt comes out of his room and sees me on the floor, he instantly bursts out laughing and after he calms down from his laughing fit he comes over and helps me up and asks, "Rachel?" I nod, still speechless from what had just happened then he smiles proudly, "I told you!" he laughs as we make our way to the lobby to meet the rest I had already told Matt about everything that had just happened.

As soon as the other guys were in sight Matt ran right up to them and I could tell he was telling them because they started to point and laugh at me, I walked up and said, "Alright guys calm your tits!" I laughed as they laughed and then we made our way to the beach for lunch.

A|n• I hope you like this chapter sorry for any mistakes. Will update soon, bye. -kirsty•

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