Chapter 5 - New Life

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Charlotte's pov

Why?! Why did I ever get dragged into this? What is wrong with my dad?! Jeez...

In case your wondering,I'm at a freaking airport with Demi and Vanessa. Yeah she begged to go with me. Why though? Just stupid....

But anyway after that incident dad told me to pack my bags because I was going to live with Demi. In LA...

And I had no choice.... Like really? I don't need help when people see me they see.... well damn I don't know do I. I ain't a psychic person plus if I was... I would know if Spongebob is dirty minded.... Yeah that's right!

"Charr,yo Charlotte,Charr, Charlotte Sofia!"

"Damn what?!" I turned to see Vanessa staring at me. "Planes boarding dumbass." She said as we got in line.

"Oh... Oi what did you call me?!"

"Nothing?" she replied back in a sickly sweet voice...Like yuck dude!

She turned around to talk to Demi. "Hey Demi what's our seat numbers again?"

Demi looked up to Vanessa and smiled. "Oh errm mines 005 yours is 007 and Charlotte's 004. First class,two per seat."

What no way! I ain't sitting next to her. Vanessa grinned at me and earned a glare in return. "Vanessa sit next to Demi." I hissed at her.

"What? No way! I met this really hot dude that's in seat 006 so I ain't missing out on this opportunity."

I just glared at her. Revenge is sweet my friends....


We finally boarded the plane and I sat next to Demi huffing in progress. While Vanessa was flirting with Mr Lover Boy over there. Demi placed her bag above us so we had space. I turned towards the window,it was pretty dark outside and I was tired so I turned back to Demi.

"Look Demi,this line here..." I explained sliding my finger in the middle. "This is the no cross zone, cross that and I'll bite you before killing you no joke ask Vanessa." She looked at Vanessa biting her lip. I laughed silently and closed my eyes turning towards the window. This is going to be a long and fun ride.... Hehehehe.


An hour later I woke up,feeling a strong pair of arms around me. What?? I turned in my seat to find Demi sleeping, cuddling into me. Like how did we even get in this position? I looked down at her face and she was sleeping peacefully. I gotta admit she is gorgeous.

I thought to myself as a tear fell down,perfectly landing on my arm. Why can't I be pretty? Why can't I be skinny like the other girls? That's why no one notices me and when they do it's the wrong type of attention.


"Hey Charlotte wanna come over tonight?" asked Jordan. Jordan my middle school crush. He was the popular guy at school and boy was he fine.

I smiled big. "Yeah sure... see ya later then." I hurried off down the corridor,earning glares from people but that didn't mind me I was going to Jordan's house. What's the worst that can happen? Right?

Jordan's house...

"Charr come lay with me please." I shrugged and walked over to his bed,laying with him. I was in deep thought then I immediately snapped out, I felt hands go down my pants. I jumped up quickly but got pulled back down. He forcefully kissed me. I tried to get him off,to scream but nothing helped,he would hit me.... that night Jordan raped me....

Flashback ends....

I cried some more but they were silent tear's. I felt Demi's arms pulling me closer to her. I hesitated at first but then I went closer to her chest,resting myself there. I closed my eyes as tear's fell more. I felt Demi's hand through my hair,stroking it gently carefully untangling the knots.

I breathed her scent as she pulled me closer. "Babygirl..." She spoke softly in a whisper. "I'm sorry that I ever hurt you and left you. I promise to make you better,I love you,you know that. I was just being selfish at the time. 14 years old is to young to have a baby,I should have thought before I put you in all this pain. Princess I'm sorry."

I felt a warm tear go on my cheek but it wasn't mine. I just kept my eyes closed. "I love you babygirl so much it hurts truthfully I always have and always will." In response I wrapped my arms around her tightly and leaned in closer as she placed a kiss upon my cheek.

Demi's pov

My babygirl is in my arms again,I feel at peace with the world. I don't know what I'd do if she went away again.I confessed everything she needed to know. Well had to know. I saw her cying earlier and it just reminded me of my actions towards her. I felt tears escape from my eyes. She deserve's a better life than this one and I'm gonna do it. I promised.

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