Chapter 20 -Home?

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Charlotte's pov

I'm coming home, I'm coming home tell the world that I'm coming home. Yes betches I am offically allowed to go home. Finally leaving this stank ass hospital. And let me tell you, I wanted to slap a couple of barbies in there.Now clap for me. Thank you. Oh Thank you. (Takes a bow). Well people,walking out of the hospital felt amazing. Wanna know why?

Because I marched out of there like a boss. Whatup crop top reference! (I watch way to much Superwoman. I swear) Well anyhoo, Dad is taking me...wait this isn't our house!

"Dad? What are we doing here?" My mouth pulling an unsure smirk. You know them ones that your face is like WTF?...Yeah you know them.


"This is our home Charlotte." He spoke with pure sassyness.And I swear to the clouds above (Oh Lord if you hear me now) if he wasn't my father I would have slapped the sassyness out off him. True story. Outside of my window, a figure stood out to me. Great Demi had to be here! My day just gets better and better! Wait is this Demi's house? Huh?

"Charlotte?" My Dad's voice snapped me out of my messed up brain. And where do I get that from? I'm not naming no names but... Demetria's fault right there. "Yeah Dad?" He sighed glancing at m-m-m-my...Demi! Nasty! I can feel venom in my throat. Ewww.

"Be nice. I know you won't remember much but it will come back soon enough okay babygirl." I'm not going to be nice him and I both know that.Either way I nodded just to put a smile on his face. He smiled a cheesy smile. And in return got an eye roll. This idoit!

Demi approached the car with the biggest smile on her face and I,being me, grimaced. Not only that but my heart started beating faster by every milli second. Do not ask why! (Alright geez, she scares me). "Charlotte?" I turned my gaze to Demi. "What?!" I spat. From the corner of my eye,I could see the death glare my dad had pulled. Paying no mind to that at all, I climbed out of the car, slamming the door on purpose.

"These assholes!" I muttered under my breath as I walked inside my 'home'. My presence turned heads, and eyes stared deep into my soul. "What ya'll staring at?!" I shouted at them. Sighing, I ran upstairs in search of my bedroom. Looking at every door.

Eventually,I reached a door that had my name on with purple swirled letters. I entered it, seeing that it was my room. "I changed a few things." My heart jumped and I turned around to see Demi at the doorway. "Goddammit Demi don't you know how to knock?!" She sighed and replied "Sorry.Charlotte?" I stared up at her. "Yeah?" She held her breath slightly, I could tell because I'm a pro at doing this. "C-Can I talk to you? Something important." I nodded and she came more into the room and sat on my bed.

After battling myself,I decided to sit next to her,she can't really harm me. "What is it?" She looked at me, then at the wall, the back to me. "I-I'm sorry." Her body shook violently and sobs racked through her body. Without any intention, my body hugged her. It felt so right, to say that I hated her before. But it was like I belong there. "Demi it's okay I forgive you." She continued sobbing, I don't think she heard me. I pulled away and looked in her deep chocolate pools.

"Mommy it's okay. Stop crying." The hell?! Did I just call her 'mommy'? I think you just did. I shook my head, she will hate me. Why did I have to be so stupid? "I'm sorry Demi, I didn't-..." By this time her tears were already dried. "Charlotte!" I snapped out if it and hung my head. "I'm not mad babygirl." Raising my head, I stared at her face, to see any signs of lying. Nope she's telling the truth...

"Oh okay. Sorry." She giggled. "Charlotte Sofia-Grace, stop saying sorry. It's not your fault okay." I nodded and she opened her arms. "Now come to momma." I giggled and rested my head in her chest as she wrapped her arms around me.

"I love babygirl."

"I love you too mom."

"Forever and always."

"Forever and always." I repeated.

"I pinky promise."

"I pinky promise."

We promised. We can't break promises. We must stick to them.

"Mommy..." I spoke before my eye's shut. I love you.

Wait! Did anyone notice that we didn't even talk about 'something important'? Ehhh...


Well guys that's the end of this story. :(

Bhahahahaha jokes! Haha. Well anyway make sure you check out my new story called Hope and it's a Katy Perry one. Sorry ya'll but you'll love it trust me. I've only started it now so yanno.

Thank you for your comments,votes. And that is it. Update soon.

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