Chapter 9-L.O.V.E

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Charlotte's Pov

How did I even get this fever and in a day? Huh werid... but I admit I was a little cranky before we got to LA. Ugggh. I gonna go see Demi and I don't really care what I call her as long as she doesn't piss me off. My head really hurts man...

"Mommy?" I asked as I got downstairs. "Mommy my head hurts." I whimpered. She looked at me and told the person on the phone to hold on. Proberly my Dad. Considering she said Nick... Look I can't think because of this headache so shut ya mouth.

"Come here babygirl." I shuffled over to her whimpering because my body's aching.Even my butt. Werid huh? I climbed on her lap and put my head on the crook of her neck. I closed my eyes for a bit until Demi shook me awake.

"Hey baby your dad wants to talk to you." I nodded with my eyes closed. "You can speak Nick she's listening."

"Hey babygirl it's daddy, you okay there?"

"N-No but Mommy's gonna make me better." I commented. "Okay princess do you want me to go to L.A?"

"Y-Yes please daddy,my head hurts and please bring Freddie my dolphin toy. Remember the one mommy gave me it's on my bed,I forgot it."

"Okay princess will do. I love you."

"I love you more daddy."

That's all I need right now.My toy dolphin. My dad's really not that important... I hope he isn't reading this.

(Nick: I am reading...

Me:Love ya dad. Hehe!)

Demi rocked me while she finished her convo with my dad. I kinda eavesdropped but not like she cared.

She finally hung up. Gosh teen adults! Always on the phone even if they have no friends. Yeah... Where was I? Ohh so I asked her "Mommy you love daddy still don't you?" I whispered. I felt her nod. "You have no idea." She told me back.

I snuggled in the crook of her neck. I felt safe in her arms and that was werid so is the Mommy calling but i'll get used to it. "I love you Mommy so much."

"I love you more babygirl." She held me tightly as we both fell asleep. And me being me,slept like a baby for once.


I woke up groggily, my eyes trying to adjust to the surroundings around me. I groaned and laid back down. Since my eyes can't barely might I add,open.

"Why is it so warm?" I asked myself. "Charlotte hun it's freezing." Spoke a man's voice that I clearly recognized but I couldn't be bother opening my eyes. Lazy? You guessed right!

"Who are you and where am I?" The man's voice laughed. "Charr, it's dad and your in your bedroom."

"H-how did I get here, I thought Mommy was here?" The bed sank next to me. "Your mom's gone to the store to buy you some pills and to take your sisters to your grandma's." I nodded in response. I felt myself being lifted up. Wow I'm dying already, I haven't seen Trey Songz naked yet!

"I don't wanna die now!" I whined. "I'm too young and I'm ill."

"Charlotte hun? What are you talking about?" A female voice spoke up. I'm guessing Demi or a Angel because Angels are delicate and soft like a rose. No actually roses are not soft and delicate. Touch one of those thorns and BAM! Your considered the most bravest person alive,getting medals for touching a thorn.

Absoultly darn right. "Daddy where's my dolphin?" I ask. He crossed the room to his bag and got out a blue- well was- dolphin. He placed it in my hands. The memories just flooded in. Then I dropped the bomb. "Why did you leave me?"

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