Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I broke out of my memories when suddenly a girl ran in the hospital. Then she kept on shouting "My Mother please help! Please help! She is sickly and dying!"

Now Presenting Chapter 7

Bruce POV

I quickly went the the girl and asked "Where is your mother?" When I said this Percy came to me.

"She is in the park when she suddenly fell down, I don't know what to do, I want my μαμα!"she said starting to cry.

Percy POV

When she talked about her mom, It reminded me on how my mom died. She was stabbed and fell down. At that time I did not know what to do. But when she said μαμα, I don't know how I understand that it means mommy.

"Lets go quickly then" I said

She led us to a park when suddenly a bag covered my face then darkness.

Bruce POV

I was walking behind the girl who was leading us and suddenly there was a bag covering my face then there was darkness.

The only thought I had was that

"We are caught and what happened to Percy"

🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧Time Skip 🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧🐧

Percy POV

I opened my eyes once the bag was removed. But I regretted it.

One because I felt that we were in air, I don't know how I know, but I do.

Second I can see the clouds right beside me through a window.

Third there is a pirate guy that is called Nicholas Alecto Fury in front of me. Don't bother asking, I hacked their files.

Instead of asking "Why are we in the sky?" or the typical "Where am I ?" "Who are you?"

I had to ask "Do you have blue food?" Don't judge me, I don't think if I am hungry.

But when I asked this question. He became annoyed and started to glare like a adorable puppy, but I think that only applies to me.

But my stupid mouth started talking "Are you imitating an adorable puppy, because you are doing a great job of it."

When I said this his face became more annoyed and irritated.

"You will see Mr. Banner, tommorow, Mr Jackson."
He said and left

The room started filling up with sleep gas. I tried to stop my sleepiness, but the black spots in my vision told me that I will be unconscious. After a few minutes of fighting the sleep, I ended up sleeping anyway.

The last thing I heard was the speaker saying " Good night Persues Rider Jackson. (Made a reason for this name)

Guys this is a wrap I am sorry won't be able to update. My Periodical test is coming up this freaking week.But for my long time spaces in between updating I made it,

wait for it.

With Mythology

Thank you for the votes and the 700+ views. You can still change if you want mythology or not. Thank you for the support 🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼🐼
-Jasmine :-)

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