Chapter 5

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I am so sorry I will not update until September 15. But there might be a possibility that I would before that though I am sorry I can't update. I am having a hard time in school so pls be considerate. I am only 11 and I have no time to write. I have 3 quizzes on Monday and another on Tuesday. The test are Chinese and Filipino. Those are the subjects I am having a hard time with thanks for being considerate.

Here is the chapter, enjoy and share. :-)

Percy POV

I opened my eyes, which I don't remember closing. Hmm, maybe I accidentally slept.

The first thing I saw was Bruce kept his promise and somehow also fell asleep. He looks so peaceful sleeping.

I felt happiness that he actually kept his promise. But that happiness disappeared once I remember that today was the day I will go to the orphanage.
I just wish though that I can stay here with Bruce.

Bruce POV

I just woke up to see percy staying at me. It was actually creepy, not that he did anything wrong but he looks like he is staring at my soul, I shivered at that thought.

I suddenly remembered that he was going to the orphanage today. I was sad that he won't be staying with me.

"Maybe I should adopt him". One part of my brain said. "But you are a monster he will be scared of you everyone is." One part of my brain argues

I decided that if he was going to an orphanage I will adopt him.

"Percy,canIadoptyoupleasenevermindIamsorryIeventhoughtofthat" I said very fast

He finally snap out of what he was doing and saw that I was awake. He said a very very intelligent word.


Percy POV

I was minding my own business then suddenly Bruce says something very fast. I did not even know he was awake.

So my intelligent reply was "huh"

"Percy,can I adopt you please but nevermind I am sorry I even thought of that" Bruce said a bit slower then frowned once I did not answer. He looked disappointed and went to go out.

"Wait, of coarse I want you to adopt me I trust you"
I said

He went back near me and smiles a genuine smile and then hugs me.

I am very sorry for the chapter but I have no time I just tried to do this as fast as possible. Vote, share and enjoy.

Thanks for reading

I also need a new cover so anyone can private message me the new cover

Also I am still accepting

What do you guys want this story to be

With Mythology 1


Without Mythology

-Jasmine ⚓

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