Chapter 14

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Clint POV

Nah it wasn't to far, well painting all of their machines pink and purple. Ehh I don't care what can they do. It was hilarious though, their faces.

Stark POV

I will surely get my revenge on him. That stupid bird is so annoying. Maybe I should give percy a chance. Yeah we'll get our revenge together.

Percy POV

Ugh, that stupid bow guy. Why does he have to do all these things to my babies, my machines all PINK!!

Two hours later (Am I the only one saying this in the spongebob voice)

Stark and I finally agreed on something. Clint is so going to regret messing with us. 😏😏

Clint POV

I was just going to shield to practice my bow. I ran to the closet where I keep my beloved bow, when I play "Call of Duty".

When I saw my bow painted pink with ribbons, and the worst part is my bow string was broken.

I collapsed on the ground, maybe to dramatically and then I screamed. Yeah a manly scream, not the high pitch ones.

Now I regret messing with those two at the same time don't seeing them so angry. I almost peed my pants of when I was laughing so hard.

Percy POV

Well I guess he wasn't so bad. He is kinda ok. Well at least we got to the friend level instead of rival right.

At least I have another Science buddy with me rather than dad.

Tony POV

Well he actually wasn't so bad than what I thought well, for a 9 year old.

Maybe he can be a good ally in the future. Yes maybe.

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