Chapter 1

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I do not own Avengers or Percy Jackson.

Percy POV

I am running as far as possible from that place. Mommy told me to run as far as possible from Smelly Gabe.

Then Smelly Gabe stabbed Mommy in the stomach and I knew it was fatal.

Because her eyes had no life anymore. She was dead!

I kept on running with my little feet. Even if my body was aching from the abuse of Smelly Gabe.

I ran until I saw a small alley beside a hospital. I ran until I could not take the strain in my muscles.

I saw dark spots in my vision then every thing became black.


Smelly Gabe just finished using what he call " toys "
on me. I looked at myself and saw the damages he did to me.

I had 2 broken ribs that fortunately did not puncture my lungs, more bruisess several cuts on my stomach, arms and legs and a carving that said G on my waist. What I am considered smart for my age, even if I am three years old.

Once in school I did a senior year test and perfected in at two years old, which was last year. And last month I got mastery on all of the courses you can think of.

I even made myself an Artificial Intelligence named Annabeth last year in my watch.

Ok back to the flashback. Mommy just came home after Gabe played with his toys on me.

I did the thing that I naturally do. I went to her and hugged her as tight as I can careful not to touch my cuts and bruises.

But fortunately for me, not. When she hugged me she applied pressure on the biggest cut I had so I winced.

Of course I tried to hide it because of what Gabe said to me....

Another Flashback

It was the day a after mommy got married to Daddy(Gabe). Daddy was so kind to me and made me feel welcomed and loved. ( note he was still a year old )

"Percy" called daddy from downstairs

So I ran down and hugged him. He was babysitting me while mommy went to work.

But he threw me of him and kicked me on the stomach.

I cried and asked him what he was doing. I was so hurt from what he did, I was sad that I don't have a real daddy

I am gonna teach a lesson punk. Do not tell your precious mommy of these learning sessions. Or she will be sleeping for a long time.

2nd Flashback End

That is when I failed and mommy noticed me wince. She asked me what happened and I told her that it was nothing to be worried about.

Of course she saw through my lie and lifted my shirt up. She saw all of my scars and bruises since the first beating. Her eyes was blazing with hatred and she said " It was Gabe " all I could do was nod my head.

She went into all out mama bear mode when Gabe came into the room and asked " Whats for dinner " still drunk. Then mommy shouted " how dare you touch my baby ".

He looked at me and said " You little Brat!" And grabbed me by the hair.

" Don't you dare touch my baby!" She said and pushed Gabe off me.

" I been waiting for the time for her to go to a never ending sleep " he said and got a swiss knife and before I blinked threw it at where the heart of mommy should have been.

" Run, Run as far as possible, and remember I love " she wasn't even able to finsh her last words to me before the light left her eyes. She was dead and lifeless and I knew it. I was devastated at what happened.

I did what I was told and ran. Ran as far as possible. And thats how I ended up in the alley near the hospital.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

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Without Mythology

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Have a 🍪
- Jasmine

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